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撒网捕风,徒劳无益。Catch the wind with a net.

这种企图其实是徒劳无益的。This attempt is actually in vain.

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这真是时间和精力的浪费,徒劳无益。Such an unproductive waste of time and energy.

我们并不想一直徒劳无益。We're not going to run around in circles forever.

他必须依据卡片编辑,否则的话就徒劳无益。He must work according to the cards, or not at all.

已经过去而又无能为力的事,悲伤是徒劳无益的。What's gone and what's past help, Should be past grief.

他们努力的徒劳无益归咎于管理不善。The barrenness of their effort is due to poor management.

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博士及学位都是徒劳无益的,除非你的工作能荣耀神。PhD and degree are useless, unless you work to glorify God.

汤姆这人优柔寡断,向他征求意见是徒劳无益的。Tom is so infirm of purpose that it is useless to ask him for advice.

他烧的头几把火之一是认为继承保留奥兹莫比尔品牌徒劳无益。In one of his first moves he decided it was futile to keep Oldsmobile.

几年徒劳无益的服务,在论功行赏时就大有关系。The years of ineffectual service count big in the bestowal of rewards.

他烧的头几把火之一是认为继续保留奥兹莫比尔品牌徒劳无益。In one of his first moves, he decided it was futile to keep Oldsmobile.

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我不信您显赫的祖先会徒劳无益地玩弄不同的写法。I do not think that your illustrious ancestor toyed idly with variations.

实施这样的法律,当然也是徒劳无益的。The enforcement of such laws, of course, has been an exercise in futility.

事情本身我无法否认,企图大事化小也是徒劳无益的。The matter itself I could not deny, and vain was every endeavour to soften it.

如果无法改变世界,那着实会有总徒劳无益的想法。And there's a real sense that it isn't worth doing if it won't change the world.

你不用担心,担心是人类所有活动中最为徒劳无益。Thou shalt not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.

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但这都是徒劳无益的,我有种极度可怕、极度可耻的失败的感觉。But it was all in vain, and I had a feeling of the most dreadful, shameful failure.

他们徒劳无益地试了两三次之后,只见汤姆摇晃了两下,又扑通一声摔倒在地。After their two or three ineffectual attempts, Tom reeled, and fell heavily to the ground.

梵文学者为了徒劳无益的辩论术而感到高兴。True philosophy was supplanted by dogmatic opinions. The pundits took delight in vain polemics.