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因它们是我们的生命,使我们日子久长。For they are our life and length of days.

我的人民却忘了我,时日已久长,无法计算。But my people hath forgotten me days without number.

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我的人民却忘了我,时日已久长,无法计算。But my people have forgotten me for days without number!

和我相伴幸福久长的一生,难道这还不够麽?。It is not enough just to have along and happy life with me?

我们的爱是命中注定的而且会一直久长上去。Our love was meant to constitute rrncluding always will forever.

当古的世界舞台上,动力永遥非一个久长的话题。Today's world stage, the energy is always a topic for a long time.

谁能说为爱永远,谁能说为情久长。Who can say to love forever, Who can say that long-term situation.

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是否先前那些朦胧的年代从天堂向西方出走已这么久长?Were the precedent dim ages debouching westward from Paradise so long?

恰是这类长极的主意,让人们不能久长地保持节食。This kind of negative thinking is why people don't stay on diets for long.

只在心里默默地祈祷,此情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。Only in the heart to pray silently, I if long time, and is in every morning and evening.

魔立方”是可以久长制作在非扶植用地之上的一时修建。BLOX is a form of "temporary architecture", which is allowed to be built on non-construction land.

婉转语是人类语言中的一种遍及征象,其存在的历史相当久长。As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemisms have existed for a long time.

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一个处女岂能忘了自己的珍饰?一位新娘岂能忘了自己的彩带?我的人民却忘了我,时日已久长,无法计算。Will a virgin forget her ornament, or a bride her stomacher? but my people hath forgotten me days without number.

当那一圈项链被扯断的时候,不必惋惜,“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮”。When the necklace was around break time, do not have to regret, "If the situation two years long, a blessing in ."

特朗普关于在美国和墨西哥边界“修墙”这类提案久长以来被公家当做一种调侃,无非这次发布会上,特朗普已迫不及待地要开建了!"I want to get the wall started, " he said. "I don't want to wait a year and a half until I make my deal with Mexico.

朝鲜电视台现场直播了金大中走下飞机、两位国度魁首久长握手的虚况。North Korean television showed live pictures Kim Dae-jung left the aircraft and the two presidents shook hands briefly.

老师,离别虽然久长,而您那形象仿佛是一个灿烂发亮的光点,一直在我的心中闪烁。Teacher, parting a long long while, and your image as if it was a brilliant bright points of light has been flickering in my mind.

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然而,同屋的其他小营员接受并欢迎这个新伙伴。就这样大家朝夕相处两周之后,他们之间建立了深厚而久长的友谊。Instead, his cabin mates embraced and welcomed their new friend, and by the end of the 2 weeks together, they had built friendships that lasted for years.

幸福有小大短长的区别,短小的幸福只要经常光临,天长日久,积年累月,自然会久长。Well-being of a small big difference between the short-long, short and well-being as long as the regular visit, Jinian after year, it will naturally Jiuchang.

为什麽我的痛苦如此久长,我的创伤不可医治,痊愈无望?你于我好像是一条不常有水,而变化无常的溪流!Why is my sorrow become perpetual, and my wound desperate so as to refuse to be healed? it is become to me as the falsehood of deceitful waters that cannot be trusted.