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可以说是道德沦丧。It can be said of moral turpitude.

代价是战略的丢失和道德的沦丧。The price is strategic and moral bankruptcy.

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当依赖于神权的国王出现后,取代乡村神父时,神权并未沦丧。The priests lost no power when they set up a king dependent on them in place of the village godhead.

对法制与道德沦丧的忧患,正是这部小说的主题和文化意蕴所在。It is his distresses and worries about the legal and moral decay that the theme of this novel connotes.

凯梅伦补充说道,道德沦丧已经被骄横跋扈的官僚政府所利用。Mr Cameron speaks of a "moral collapse", which, he adds, has been abetted by a "bossy bureaucratic state".

割裂物质财富与精神财富的片面财富观势必导致道德的沦丧。The one-sided wealth view which dissociates material wealth from spiritual wealth would lead to moral ruin.

通往毁灭的都是下坡路,一路上风光迤逦而且畅通无阻,而最终的道德沦丧是不可避免的。The path to perdition is enticing , slippery, and all downhill. Moral bankruptcy is the inevitable conclusion.

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但是,很多作者认为是“道德沦丧”的行为都处在判决和保留意见之间的灰色地带。But many examples of what the authors call "ethical fading" fall into the gray area of judgment and discretion.

他辩称这个世界道德沦丧,同性婚姻被广为接受就可作为明证。He argued that the world was in moral decline, with the widespread acceptance of gay marriage the clearest sign.

至少,不要编造谎言,不要毫无诚信,不要置自己于道德沦丧的死地。At least, don't make lies to the extent of destroying all your credibility and putting yourself to moral bankruptcy.

从另一个角度来看,普通的道德行为并不能帮助他们实现目标,却会导致道德的沦丧。In other words, the common moralities don't even accomplish what they aim at. They even can result in moral corruption.

今天的我们虽然无需面对国土的沦丧,无需承受战火硝烟,但我们面前的任务同样艰巨。Although we have today without the face of lost territory, subject to war without smoke, but The task before us arduous same.

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在纷乱、社会不安或社会道德价值观沦丧之时刻,只有品格高尚的人才能生存。In times of trouble, social instability and declining moral values in society, only men of character will be able to survive.

黑暗,死亡,性压抑,人性的沦丧,绝望的情绪细密地弥漫在文字之中。Darkness, death, sexual repression, the lost of human nature, the emotions of despair, all which ara filled in the characters.

站在道德信仰这个全新的视角上,我们发现孝道观念在当今社会的沦丧已经到了极其严重的地步。From the new perspective of the moral beliefs, we found a lack of filial piety in todays society has reached an extremely serious stage.

对财富的疯狂追逐使得他们道德沦丧,是物本经济发展的恶果。It makes their morals lost to chase the wealth as dementia, which is the evil consequence of development of the materialcentric economy.

在CICIG的宪章里,卡斯特雷萨纳抓住了一条规则,这条规则允许该组织请求当地政府惩处道德沦丧的官员。Castresana seized upon a rule in CICIG’S charter that permitted the organization to petition local officials to punish unethical officials.

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主要论点是两个相互冲突的文明,随着越来越明显的西方经济衰退,出现了国际性质的鲁莽行为和道德沦丧。The main thesis is of two conflicting civilizations, with the West exemplifying economic decline, international recklessness and moral depravity.

那些想腰发财得忍,就陷入迷惑,落进罗网何许多愚蠢犹害得私欲里,叫忍毁灭沦丧。Those who desire to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as down men in destruction and perdition.

如果一种文明鼓励自私自利,任其在社会生活的各个方面肆虐,那么,这种文明注定会道德沦丧。A civilization that encourages the motive of self-interested calculation to rule every sphere of social life is on a sure path to moral bankruptcy.