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地球绕轴自转。The earth whirls on its axis.

但是它绕着自转轴运转一周需要24小时。But it turns once on its axis in 24 hours.

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由于快速自转,形状变得很扁。The rapid rotation, the shape becomes very flat.

离合器和超速期间提供自转。Clutch and overspeed provision during autorotation.

地球每二十四小时自转一周。The earth spins round once every twenty-four hours.

地球围绕太阳旋转,并以地轴作自转。The earth spins round the sun, and on its own axis.

然而,气候变化也可能影响地球的自转。And climate change can also affect the Earth's spin.

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柯里奥利力是地球自转的一种惯性力。Coriolis force is a inertial force in earth rotation.

行星在围绕太阳旋转的同时,也绕着它们的自转轴自转。Planets revolve about the sun and rotate on their axis.

然而,在地球另一侧的对应点上,地球自转产生的。On the side of the earth opposite to this point, however, the.

地球、不厌其烦地一圈又一圈地自转。Earth, have taken the trouble to ring another enclosurerotation.

地球绕地轴自转的方向和它绕太阳公转的一样。The earth spins around on its axis as it travels around the sun.

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地球按照逆时针方向或者由西向东自转。The earth rotates in counterclockwise direction or from west to east.

那里也许是极化自转标度在LNB饲料垫铁喉头。There may be polarisation rotation scale on the LNB feed horn throat.

当白矮星自转时,被吸入的气柱也跟著一起转起来。As the white dwarf spins, the columns of infalling gas rotate with it.

地球的自转和月亮的绕行都是逆时针方向。Earth's rotation and the Moon's orbit are both counter-clockwise here.

其动力主要来源于地球自转造成的地应力变化。Their dynamics is the ground-stress change caused by the Earth rotation.

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磁场对超强磁星体的自转应该是一种强力的煞车。The magnetic field should act as a strong brake on a magnetar's rotation.

采用偏心式工转自转原理和无级调速。Adopt the eccentric revolution and rotation principle and stepless timing.

此外,在较高的运行速率时,自转轴承的寿命急剧下降。In addition, spin-bearing life is sharply reduced at higher operating speeds.