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谁曾听见你须臾间的叹息。Who heard your brief sigh.

顿了须臾,又同时笑起来。Smile in the meantime again in a moment.

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须臾,化作妇人。In no time, the fox turns into a woman.15

不朽的是我们,须臾的是我们转瞬即逝那爱情。Is immortal, even for a moment is fleeting that we love.

仿佛须臾之间,母亲离开我们就整整一年了。Seemingly just an instant, mother had left us for a whole year.

欢乐痛快时喝,伤心哭泣时也喝,喝酒已经成了法国不可须臾或缺的一部分。For having fun, for crying, there is alcohol. It is part of France.

须臾侍卫首领便解散了那些士兵。After a few moments the captain of the guard dismissed the soldiers.

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就让我笨拙的爱你,从须臾到不朽,从一叶到知秋。Let me love you clumsy, from moment to immortality, from leaf to fall.

可从古至今,又有谁为这须臾不可缺少的东西埋单?May be ancient times, and who in this moment something indispensable bill?

若不然,又该如何解释一棵沉睡的树会须臾间披满嫩绿的新芽?How else can we explain a dormant tree suddenly wearing tinny green shoots?

渺如一粟,短在须臾的人生,五彩缤纷的情感丰富了人的心灵。Are the sea, short in moment of life, a riot of colours of the emotion of the mind.

须臾,移开自己的唇,又是眸光深深地凝着她。Move the lips of opening oneself in a moment, again is a Mou light profoundly Ning wear she.

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须臾之际,我们会略作狂想,但是一旦要给这样一个离奇幻物填充大量细节,则退避三舍。We can give it a momentary thought, but we balk at filling in much detail on so whimsical a fantasy.

基于司法实践的需要,立法机关对该条款的明确须臾不可迟缓。For the practical needs of judicature the legislature should delay no time to make this provision unambiguous.

时光就这样,在这里静静的流淌,传统与当代交织的上下五千年,也只不过是一个须臾。Time is flowing quietly here. The five thousand years combining the tradition and modernity seems like an instant.

这种切骨的舍不得在走黄河途中一直随同下笔者,没有须臾的离去。Soul This cut bone in the Yellow River has been reluctant to go along with the way under the author, no instant to leave.

无数次地,当你担心这美好已经远离之时,你就会发现生命的美好其实只与你相隔须臾。Time and time again when you feared it was gone forever you found that the goodness of life was really only a moment away.

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无数次地,当你担心这美好已经远离之时,你会发现生命的美好其实只与你相隔须臾。它就在下一角落,存在于每个时刻之间,等着给你惊喜。Time and time again when you feared it was gone forever you found that the goodness of life was really only a moment away.

如是一切诸佛如来无数恒沙。前聚未去后群重来须臾推迁回转更赴。So all Buddhas as many as uncountable sand grits in the Ganges will arrive even when the previous Buddhas range hasn't left.

须臾,顾见猛虎,暴然相逼,则怯者不待告跳,而越之如康庄矣。Moment, Gu see Tigers, violence ran forcibly imposed, it scared those who will not wait for dancing, and more, such as Culture.