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没有五谷杂粮人类就不能生存。Man can't live without corn.

五谷杂粮真的是最好的选择吗?Is that bowl of cereal such a healthy option?

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五谷杂粮脂肪低且富含纤维。Whole grains are low in fat and high in fiber.

将每份杂粮团用塑料袋包装并放入冰箱冷藏。Wrap each blob in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

每天早晨拿上一两袋杂粮团,外加一个旅行杯装的脱脂牛奶就可以轻松上路了!Grab a couple with a travel cup of skim milk and go!

标有杂粮标志的饼干可能根本不含有全麦。Crackers labeled multigrain may not have whole grains at all.

米九石,玉蜀黍八袋,杂粮十袋。Nine dans rice, eight sacks maizes, ten sacks coarse cereals.

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彝族以杂粮面、米为主食,午餐习惯用粑粑做为主食。The Yi people eat coarse cereals and rice as their staple food.

五谷杂粮,蛋黄白莲,至尊凤梨。Mixed Corn and Grains, Egg Yolk & Lotus Paste, Imperial Pineapple.

人不能总吃白米饭,吃点五谷杂粮也是有益健康的。Men can not always eat rice, it is good for health to eat some cereals.

杂粮在国内外有很好发展前景。There is good foreground of development for the coarse cereals in world.

多吃水果,蔬菜,五谷杂粮以及低脂食物。Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and eat fewer high-fat foods.

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人体60%以上的营养来自于五谷杂粮。More than 60 percent of human nutrition from the grain miscellaneous grains.

人不能总吃细粮,吃点五谷杂粮也是有益健康的。Men can not always eat flour and rice, it is good for health to eat some cereals.

北研杂粮被评为辽宁省名牌产品和名牌农产品。North research Cereal was named brand and brand-name products in Liaoning Province.

引导农民扩大粳稻、玉米、杂粮等农作物生产。Guide farmers to expand rice and corn production as well as to increase grain variety.

一样是顶着一颗脑袋吃着五谷杂粮享受有生之年的俗人一个。Is the same as eating whole grains withstand a head and enjoy a lifetime of the laity.

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一碗高纤维杂粮麦片,大量草莓和低脂牛奶。A bowl of high-fiber, multigrain cereal, lots of strawberries, and low-fat milk on top.

该代餐奶茶采取28种五谷杂粮、现磨现煮制而成,好喝看得见。The generation of corn meal tea by 28 crops, presently grinding and cook is good to see.

大米和小麦被称为细粮,其它粮食就成了粗粮或杂粮。Rice and wheat flour are refined food while other beans & grains are coarse food in China.