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我们用十进位制。We use the decimal system.

在中国是用十进位制。We go by the centimeter in China.

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输入您的十六进位ESN在输入外地。Enter your hex ESN in the Input field.

多少铝壶将脚踏车进位装于罐头?。How many aluminum pots can one bike carry?

比重是以未经进位数字计算。Shares are derived from unrounded figures.

由于进位原因,数字相加后可能与总数略有出入。The figures may not add up due to rounding.

十进制以十为进位的数字系统。Of or relating to the decimal number system.

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将十进位值舍入为指定的小数位数。Rounds a decimal value to the nearest integer.

救命!我被抓到制造二亚瑟王传说进位穿孔卡片的工厂里了!Help! I'm tra edin a binary punch card factory!

将十进位的值舍入至指定的精确度。Rounds a decimal value to a specified precision.

比重数字是以未经进位数字计算。Share figures are derived from unrounded figures.

测验中只有十进位的数学题。There were only decimal math problem on the quiz.

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LUT的另一部分产生进位溢出位。Another portion of the LUT generates carry-out bits.

三进位数学源自于多值逻辑数学。Ternary mathematics stems from multiple-valued logic.

结果转换为十进位日志浓度。The result is converted to decimal log concentration.

将列举型别项目显示为十六进位值。Displays the enumeration entry as a hexadecimal value.

能够对进位你的希望到活的在到上面那等候星。Able to carry your wish to live up to the waiting stars.

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传回代表数值的八进位值的字串。Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.

把进位移到累加器的位元。This moves the carry into bit position of the accumulator.

日常生活中我们习惯使用十进位的计算方法。In the normal life we used to decimal computational method.