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小溪的生命总是和鹅卵石相映成趣。Stream of life always gain by contrast and pebbles.

在他的生活里,总有这样那样的乐趣点缀着,相映成趣。The life of Glenn Wilkinson is fun, of this sort or that.

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光亮的表面与他黝黑的脸庞和胸膛相映成趣。The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse.

作品介绍/这顶帽子活像是假发,与脸上的小圆点相映成趣。This hat is liking a wig, creatively set off by the dots on his face.

我们能在北京看到古代和现代建筑相映成趣。We can see ancient and modern buildings next to each other in Beijing.

同时与妇女的唇、颚相映成趣,在相互呼应中描绘女性的性感。Also, against the woman's lips and chin , it brings out her sex appeal.

水岩景区怪石遍布,山水相映成趣。Rock rocks area around the water, mountains and rivers Xiangyingchengqu.

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不过在那之前,5月5日也是个小小的浪漫日,太阳和土星将相映成趣,当日寻爱,妙不可言。Note May 5 too, when Saturn and the Sun will cook up one special day for finding love.

以风景优美而闻名的七莲瀑布与将清水包围其间的老松和枫林相映成趣。The Chilyeon Waterfall blend well with the surrounding old pine trees and maple trees.

观赏鱼池里棕竹摇曳生姿,与水面上的荷花相映成趣。You can see the rhapis gracilis in the fish pond and the water lily next to each other.

不过美景和狗屎相映成趣倒是让人过目不忘。You bet it is, but the contrast between the beautiful photography and dog poop is remarkable.

白宫南面的杰奎琳·肯尼迪花园�的紫色鼠尾草和黄色菊花相映成趣。Salvia's purple hues balance the Chrysanthemums' orange flair in the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden.

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白宫南面的杰奎琳·肯尼迪花园里的紫色鼠尾草和黄色菊花相映成趣。Salvia's purple hues balance the Chrysanthemums ' orange flair in the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden.

原本与民间习俗相映成趣的剪纸,也逐渐被剥离为纯粹的装饰。The paper-cutting used to be a kind of folk custom, but now it gradually become a pure decoration.

绿地、花坛、雕塑、建筑相映成趣,美丽无比。The well arranged greenbelt, flowers, sculptures and architectures constitute a charming landscape.

红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老年人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。Exist side by side is the red and white Santa Claus, he is the most popular Christmas activity characters.

与窗外动人景色结合,在一动一静中,倒也相映成趣。With window outside moving scenery union, as soon as in moves calmly one, pours also forms a nice contrast.

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一小束素净的铃兰和周围群艳的玫瑰、水仙、郁金香、白头翁相映成趣。A tiny bunch of lilies contrasted sharply with the vivid roses, daffodils, tulips and anemones that surrounded it.

在那边小小的山凹之中,灌木已经累累结实,红色的浆果同白色的雪地相映成趣。Down yonder little glen the shrubs are drooping under their burden , and the red alder berries contrast with the white ground.

入口的玻璃幕墙与河流相映成趣,使建筑显得柔美轻盈。The glazing fa?ade at the entrance and the river set one another to advantage, giving pastel and graceful shades to the building.