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工资已经上涨。Wages have gone up.

镨钕氧化物的价格随之上涨。The oxide prices rose.

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通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。The prices are going up.

这就是价格上涨的原因。That’s why the price rose.

我们周围的海水上涨了。The sea distended about us.

所以,这就推动了票价上涨。so this pushes the price up.

牛奶的价格上涨了一角。Milk rose ten cents in prices.

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汽油收费在七月份会上涨。Gass charges will rise in July.

欧洲迪斯尼的股票价格迅速上涨了17便士。Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p.

我想股价会上涨。I guess the share price will goup.

我们的生活费用已上涨。Our living expenses have enhanced.

美元对主要货币互有涨跌,黄金价格上涨。The dollar was mixed and gold rose.

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物价在进一步上涨。The prices are shooting up further.

价格的上涨已经到顶了。The rise in prices have topped off.

雨后河水正在上涨。The river is rising after the rain.

美丽的小班坦河水上涨了。The sweet little Bantam River rose.

上个星期的利率迅速上涨。Intrerest rates spiked up last week.

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整个月以来费用在不断急剧地上涨着。Costs have been spiralling all month.

物价上涨会引起通货膨胀。Rising prices will kick up inflation.

物价的趋向是仍在上涨。The trend of prices is still upwards.