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并无定规。There's no hard-and-fast rule.

这说起来容易做起来难,因为变化的过程是无定规的。That's much easier said than done, because the process of change is random.

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因为主万军之耶和华在全地之中必成就所定规的结局。For the Lord, the Lord of armies, is about to make destruction complete in all the land.

因为主万军之耶和华,在全地之中,必成就所定规的结局。The Lord, the Lord Almighty, will carry out the destruction decreed upon the whole land.

迄今为止,还没有找出方法,能够按定规创造假说。So far, no method has been found which would make it possible to invent hypotheses by rule.

因为主万军之耶和华、在全地之中、必成就所定规的结局。For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the land.

如果让他们自己选择,或者让他们的朋友替他们选择的话,他们定规不会这样选择。Had they chosen for themselves, or their friends chosen for them, they would have chosen otherwise.

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而代祷则是神所定规将救赎带给所有的人的主要途径。Intercession is the chief means appointed by God to bring the great redemption within the reach of all.

以数字波面干涉仪为例,制定了干涉仪的标准和检定规程,并研究了提高干涉仪性能的数据处理方式。This paper also studies the mode of data processing on how to improve the capability of interferometers.

没有人能定规你的命运,因为这是在美国,未来掌握在你自己的手里,你自己写就自己的命运。No one's written your destiny for you, because here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future.

问题在于,遵守定规是一种简单而安全的做法。"The problem is that conforming to noraptms is an easy and safe spot to be in, " Bellezza told The Wall Street Journal.

依据检定规程,较详细地对数显卡尺检定中示值误差的测量结果不确定度进行了全面的分析和计算。The uncertainty of error of observation of measured result in verifying the digital caliper in all aspects was analyzed and calculated.

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无罪推定规则体系所构筑的人权保障网络对权力之运行提出了严格的要求。The framework of human-rights-protections which were built on the basis of presumption of innocence requires the running of power strictly.

众门徒就定规,叫保罗、巴拿巴和本会中几个人,为所辩论的,上耶路撒冷去见使徒和长老。So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about this question.

非斯都既然定规了,叫我们坐船往意大利去,便将保罗,和别的囚犯,交给卿营里的一个百夫长,名叫犹流。And when it was determined that we should sail into Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named Julius, a centurion of Augustus' band.

随着古典隐逸别业逐步发展成熟为世俗化的明清私家园林形式,“园林模仿绘画”的观念也成为造园实践中的定规。With classical villa developing into secular Ming-Qing dynasty private garden, the regulations of garden imitating painting had become the principle of garden making.

通过明权、定规、透明、约束、法治等措施实现六个方面的转型。We should realize the transition in six aspects by ways of Standardizing power, enacting regulations, making government affairs public, restricting power, administering by laws and so on.