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他们还没有完全出师。They haven't trained fully yet.

我不想一开始和彼得·戴维斯打交道就出师不利。I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with Peter Davis.

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结果不尽如人意,才上学的第一天小孩就出师不利。First day of school and already your child is having a bad year.

今晚,我无论如何不会让这双重困难造成出师不利。I wouldn't have this double handicap make a false start to-night for a million.

小组赛首轮,法国就爆冷1-3客场输给奥地利,出师不利。First round group match, France upset 1-3 away loss to Austria, and false starts.

当你学会控制高地时,就是你出师的时候了。When you have learned to control the highland , it will be time for you to leave.

所有这些,当然,迈阿密之战,她可能会黑马杀出,也可能会出师不利。All of which, of course, means that she’ll probably up and lose her opener in Miami.

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第二部分点出师造化一词的来源及其典故。The second part of the point source of the term for sending good luck and allusions.

无论如何我不会让这双重的阻碍给今晚来个出师不利的。I wouldn't have this double handicap make a false start to-night for a million, " he said."

不过这次出师不利的教训伴随着社交网络对现实世界的冲击一直在他脑海里挥之不去。But the lessons from the debacle still linger along with the real-world impact of social media.

韩国队出师大捷,打败了动作迟缓的波兰队,取得历史性胜利,紧接着便与美国队狭路相逢。The squad began with a historic triumph over sluggish Poland, then found itself face to face with the US.

丁出师告捷,在前两局巩固了领先地位,以7比4的分数超过梁。Ding began the session well, cementing an overnight lead with a further two frames to take him 7-4 ahead of Liang.

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目前,已确立学术经验指导老师3批43人,39名学术继承人合格出师。At present, the established academic experience instructor three groups 43, 39 academic Chushi qualified successor.

尽管英超出师不利,主席穆雷还是相信麦卡锡能够帮助球队渡过难关。But despite a poor start in the Premiership, chairman Bob Murray is backing McCarthy to get the club out of trouble.

发生过几次意外,其中最严重的一次,任务第一天就来了个出师不利。Has had several accidents, most serious one time, the duty first day came to finish an apprenticeship disadvantageously.

如果选择的时机不当,往往事倍功半,出师不利会打乱整个布局方案。If you choose the right time, often only half done, fell at the first fence will disrupt the entire layout of the program.

接踵而来的是提香。提香在1506年左右出师于贝里尼的画室而投入乔尔乔内门下。Hot on his heels came the ambitious Titian, who had graduated from Bellini's workshop around 1506 and become a student of Giorgione's.

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广东人民在北伐战争开始前,积极敦促国民政府早日出师北伐。Long before the Northern Expedition, Guangdong people actively urged the National Government to send out an army as early as possible.

你头一天到那个公司上班应该穿得整洁体面,你总不愿意出师不利吧?。On the first day to work in the company, you should get neatly and decently dressed. You don't want to get off the wrong foot, do you?

所以这个计算器的发明者和推广者出师不利,一本非常难的说明书和一句经不起推敲的话。Thus the inventors and distributors of this calculator get off to a poor start, with a Very Hard instruction book and a slovenly phrase.