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公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。Ox ox. Big and brown.

那头公牛向我冲过来。The bull rushed at me.

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他被公牛赶上了树。He was treed by a bull.

公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。O ox ox, Big and brown.

但是公牛其实是色盲。But bulls are color blind.

他被这头公牛用角挑了起来。He was tossed by the bull.

猴子跑得很快,公牛追不上。The monkey started to run.

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公牛怒吼。The bull bellowed with rage.

阉牛是切除了睾丸的公牛。A bullock is a castrated bull.

你分得出公牛和母牛吗?Can you tell an ox from a cow?

他有着公牛一样的坏脾气。He had a temper as bad as a bull.

杰克抛出绳索套住了那头小公牛。Jack dabbed his rope on the steer.

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狂怒的公牛用角撞伤了我的腿。The angry bull gored me in the leg.

公牛用角把农夫抵死了。The bull gored the farmer to death.

如果公牛和大车翻了个儿。And if that cart and bull turn over.

带鼻环的公牛是已婚的牛么?Was the bull with nose ring married?

我警告你这头公牛会撞人。I warn you that the bull will charge.

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公牛在围栏里响声很大地走动。The bull cr ashed about in the fence.

一对公牛同轭拉着一头犁。The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen.

公牛,公鸡,公羊都是雄性动物。A bull, a cock and a he goat are males.