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所以何必撒谎呢?So why lie?

何必嘞?Why so much fuss?

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何必匆忙乃尔?Why all this hurry?

何必不相忘?Should I not forget?

何必扣问地厚天高?Why buckle asked thick days?

有理慢慢儿说,何必发脾气。He has never lost his temper.

凡事何必如此认真呢?Why take it all so seriously?

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我是说,何必还跟着我们?。I mean, why follow us anymore?

你何必多疑?Why should you be so suspicious?

何必多此一举?Why take the trouble to do that?

色即是空,又何必再留恋?。Color, why bother to leave again?

何必当初Why act in this way at that time?

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何必为衣裳忧虑呢。And why do you worry about clothes?

早知如此,何必开始?。The early knowledge so, why starts?

他向你献殷勤你又何必感激。No thanks to his gallantry for that.

他向你献殷勤你又何必感激。No thanks to his gallantry for that.

又何必追求那些急功近利的评价?Why to pursue those eager evaluation?

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后天应不老,何必羡彭年。Acquired shall not old, why envy Pang.

假如青春岁月令你后悔,何必苟活下去?If thou regret'st thy youth, why live?

既然能用朔料,何必非要用木料呢?Why use plastic when you can use wood?