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审理案件的权力称为审判权。The power to hear cases is called jurisdiction.

这种审判权和力量是留给警察的。The power and jurisdiction rest upon the Police.

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军事审判权是军事审判制度的核心。Military jurisdiction is the core of court martial system.

法官是独立行使审判权的主体。Judge is the main body to exercise judicial authority independently.

审判权的独立行使是司法公正的前提。Exercising jurisdiction independently is precondition of judicatory justice.

联邦法院对涉及联邦宪法的案件有审判权。The federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising out of Constitution.

这一方面也同样需要主权国以书面同意的方式同意寻求ICSID的审判权。This, too, should appear in sovereign's written consent to ICSID jurisdiction.

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美国法官曾进行三次裁决,裁定他们在这个问题上没有审判权。American judges ruled three times that they had no jurisdiction over the matter.

现行的错案追究制影响了法官独立地行使审判权。Judicial independence includes independence of courts and independence of judges.

伊方强烈要求自己应具有对国家的司法审判权,而美方则难以接受这一观点。Iraq has insisted on Iraqi jurisdiction, and the United States has been reluctant to agree.

他认为,其中最基本的两点,就是财产权与公正审判权。The two most fundamental, he argues, are the right to property and the right to a fair trial.

本公司确认本协议及其诠释均受香港法律管辖,协议各方在此承认香港法庭之非独有审判权。Of Hong Kong and agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

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本协议及其诠释均受香港法律管辖,协议各方在此承认香港法庭之非独有审判权。The parties hereto agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

审判对象连接审判权和公诉权,有着特殊的意义。The objective of criminal trial connects with the right jurisdiction and the right of prosecution.

把司法审判权交给国王或上帝的神圣代理人,万王之中最伟大的国王,就是地美士。The divine agent, suggesting judicial awards to kings or to gods, the greatest of kings, was Themis.

伊方强烈要求自己应具有对国家的司法审判权,而美方则难以接受这一观点。S. military. Iraq has insisted on Iraqi jurisdiction, and the United States has been reluctant to agree.

司法仅指法院行使审判权对案件纠纷进行审判的活动。Judicature refers to the judicial activity carried out in court to execute judicial power over case disputes.

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北爱尔兰各方在最后时刻终于达成协议,同意将管辖权和审判权交予贝尔法斯特方面。Northern Ireland's parties reached an 11th-hour agreement on devolving policing and justice powers to Belfast.

这实质上是一种权力的制约,旨在防止刑部独揽审判权。This is actually a kind of power restriction for the purpose of preventing the Xingbu from monopolizing judicial power.

你可能不知道,但是法官事实上对这件事没有审判权,这个案子将由一个陪审团重新审判。You may not know it, but the judge actually had no jurisdiction in the matter, and the case will be re-tried by a jury.