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一些人在驿站工作。Some people worked at stations.

对啊。最早卜奎是个驿站。Yes. At first, Bukui was a courier station.

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每15到20英里会在驿站上做短暂地停留以换取新马。He stopped every 15 to 25 miles to get a fresh horse.

东坝自古就是茶马古道的驿站。There was a courier station in Dongba in ancient times.

你带着这份紧急信件能有多快通过驿站到达港口?How fast can you post to the port with this urgent message?

昔日的西部,有时亡命徒会劫持驿站马车。In the old West, outlaws sometimes tuck up the stage coaches.

普洱市曾是“茶马古道”上的重要的驿站。" Pu'er City, was the "Tea Horse Road" on the importance Inn.

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在近百年的时间里,驿馆、驿站在古栈道上繁荣一时。Nearly one hundred years, posthouse boomed on this old-age path.

我们的驿站,空间宽阔豁亮,情况卫生优雅。Our "Inn", spacious and bright, elegant and environmental health.

清末民初以来,传统驿站运输制度本于1913年被废止。The traditional transport station as a system was abandoned in 1913.

西湖驿站欢迎各位热爱运动的朋友一起挥洒汗水,享受运动的快乐!You are welcome to enjoying the happiness of sports here in Xihu Station!

任职凤翔府签判时期,是苏轼诗歌创作历程中的重要驿站。Being and assistant in Fengxiang is important stage of Sushi's poem writing.

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第一个骑手则在他最终到达的驿站上等待下一次出征。The first rider stayed at his last station until it was time for his next job.

汉西安顿好川文后走进驿站,但是马上,他高声喊叫起来。Hency settled Trenven and went in, But a few seconds later, he screamed loudly.

乘驿站马车的人在下一个驿站换马时下了车。The people in the coach got off at the next stage, when the horses were changed.

帝国的组织还包括一个复杂的交通基础驿站。The organization of the Empire also included a complex transportation infrastructure.

也许你我只是过路擦肩缘,却错误的驻足了一个神话的驿站。Might we have no fortune but take a wrong stop raise a touchable dark mythical legend.

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达尔内向驿站长道了谢,跟他一起站在院子里时问道。Darnay asked the postmaster, when he had thanked him, and stood beside him in the yard.

这里是你心灵驿站,感情的港湾,体验一把激情、激动的心情吧!Here is the harbour of your soul post and affection, experience a passion and excited mood!

骑士和驿站工作人员都面临许多危险,恶劣天气就是其中之一。The riders and the people who worked at the stations faced many dangers. One was the weather.