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我还偷了她的一些衬裤。I stole a pair of her panties as well.

我不想看到任何人的衬裤。I don't want to see nobody's under shorts.

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我看那跟女人穿的红法兰绒衬裤一模一样。They look like ladies’ red flannel drawers to me.

我比你早一步想到了。我已经穿上了粉红色的衬裤。And I'm wearing those whore-y pumps that you love.

记住把你的棉衬裤换成蕾丝。Change out of your cotton panties into a lacy thong.

他穿着像红色法兰绒女衬裤一样的制服。The one with a uniform like ladies' red flannel underdrawers.

他走了进来,只穿了一条衬裤,极为粗鲁无礼。He walked in bold as brass wearing nothing but his underpants.

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他走了进来,只穿一条衬裤,极为。He walked in, bold as brass, wearing nothing but his underpants.

是我的想象,还是你女儿真的没穿衬裤?Is it my imagination, or is your daughter dancing without her scanties ?

我们看到,一根床柱上挂着一条上面印着白色星星的短衬裤。We see a pair of blue panties with white stars hanging from one of the bedposts.

比如“你认为真的女性法庭调查员都穿着那些低剪裁衬裤么?”Like, "Do you think real female forensic investigators all wear those low-cut pants ?"

一个穿着短衬裤绑着怀孕的假肚子的女人光着脚从磨石地板上走过。A woman in panties and a strap-on pregnant stomach walked barefoot across the terrazzo floor.

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丢掉那些奶奶时代的东西,少女时代的短衬裤,换上对于你的丈夫有吸引力的性感内衣。Get rid of the granny panties and wear some underwear that is attractive and sexy for your man.

通常情况下这表市仅穿厚一点的、不花稍的平脚内裤,其他诸如短衬裤、衬裙、三角裤和紧身平脚裤都可以。Usually this means wearing thick appropriately modest boxer shorts butbloomers slips briefs and boxer-briefs all work as well.

通常情况下这表示仅穿厚一点的、不花哨的平脚内裤,诸如短衬裤、衬裙、三角裤和紧身平脚裤都可以。Usually this means wearing thick, appropriately modest boxer shorts, but bloomers, slips, briefs, and boxer-briefs all work as well.

又是嘘嘘两声尖呼,那貂儿也真听话,爬上龚光杰左腿,立时钻入了他衬裤之中。Again she gave two piercing whistles. Wow! What an obedient creature! It instantly climbed onto his left leg, and vanished into the pants.

针织或钩编的女式长衬裙、衬裙、三角裤、短衬裤、睡衣、睡衣裤、浴衣、晨衣及类似品。Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, nèligès, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted.

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女式背心及其他内衣、长衬裙、衬裙、三角裤、短衬裤、睡衣、睡衣裤、浴衣、晨衣及类似品。Women's or girls' singlets and other vests, slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, nègligès, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles.

中国餐馆的此类做法是受日本女体盛启发,但女体盛在日本常以裸体模特为特色,较为保守的中国餐馆在推出人体粽子宴时,一般会要求女性模特身着内衣和衬裤。Inspired by Japanese body sushi, which often features a nude model, the more conservative Chinese institutions serving body zongzi often require their female models to wear a bra and panties.