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谁是你最景仰的人?Who is the person you most looke up to?

我正切磋去巴黎渴念景仰。I'm thinking in terms of a visit to Paris.

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她指点旅游者渴念景仰了这座城堡。She guided the tourists throughout the castle.

理智是记者景仰别人的原因。Savviness is what journalists admire in others.

为什么如此少的孩子景仰父母?Why do so few students admire their own parents?

我对贵教一向是万分景仰的。I've always looked upon your church with admiration.

这块奇妙的地皮为历代帝王、名流所景仰。The land is respected by monarch and famous persons.

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在死以前,为爱而忍痛,为希望而景仰吧。In the meanwhile, love and suffer, hope and contemplate.

皮拉斯对法布里丘斯十分景仰,邀请法布里丘斯做他的参谋长。Pyrrhus admired Fabricius and invited him to be his chief of staff.

卡尼尼博得了世界各地音乐爱好者的景仰。Toscanini commanded the admiration of music lovers all over the world.

他们的英雄事迹,受万众景仰,被千古流传。Their heroic deeds, admired by the Poples, are spread through the ages.

在下对前辈的景仰有如滔滔江水,绵绵不绝。My veneration for your honor will go on and on just like the surging river.

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公众对他的景仰是如何折磨着他,那痛苦是难以想见的!It is inconceivable, the agony with which this public veneration tortured him!

小老鼠爬到墙边十分景仰的赞美墙是世界上最伟大的。Little mouse climbing wall, the wall of praise is admired the world's greatest.

籍以表达笔者对他的钦佩、景仰之情。The paper expresses the writer's appreciation and admiration for Mr. Yang fujia.

但实际上,它是一座精美的纪念碑,应该被放在人们能欣赏和景仰它的地方。It's a fine monument and it ought to be in a place where it can be seen and admired.

我眼睁睁目睹我在过去20多年所景仰的两人在瞬间化身为仇恨使者。I have seen two men whom I have admired for the past 20 years turn into hate-mongers.

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显然,并非所有的成功都值得景仰,也并非所有的抱负都值得栽培。Now not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, or all ambition worth cultivating.

当宾经过圣堂时,他看到受人景仰的耶稣受难礼的十字架。When Affleck passes a Church, he sees the veneration of the Cross of the Good Friday liturgy.

我试图领悟毕达哥拉斯所景仰的数字力量,它支配着此消彼长。And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux.