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大家可以看出,她有些诚惶诚恐。You can see that she is quite frightened.

这些公司的老板都诚惶诚恐。And the owners of these businesses are scared.

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让“诚惶诚恐”的时光变得“富有成效”。Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours".

我诚惶诚恐地着手这个项目。I approached this project with great trepidation.

但中国官员及经济学家对此诚惶诚恐.But Chinese officials and economists are extremely wary.

到了此时,我已经对威尔逊诚惶诚恐、惟命是从了。Until now I had felt afraid of Wilson and had obeyed him.

我和我的同事诚惶诚恐的接受了这项工作。My colleagues and I agreed to do so with some trepidation.

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感谢您,总统先生,您给予我一生中最大的荣耀,我诚惶诚恐。Thank you, Mr President, for the most humbling honor of my life.

虽然是诚惶诚恐,我们还是大胆梦想了一个2020年的加拿大。And so, with great trepidation, we dare to dream of Canada in 2020.

我就像是一个不识字的婴儿,诚惶诚恐,一言不发,有点羞涩地坐在那儿。Sitting there like an ignorant baby, I was shyly, uneasily and in silence.

人们说我是这项运动的历史上最优秀的球员,对此我感到诚惶诚恐,如果作为一个观点我可以接受。People say I was the greatest ever to play to the game. I cringe a little bit.

我们都不知道未来是什么样子,诚惶诚恐,但至少我们就有了憧憬的机会。We don't know what the future is, but at least we're had a vision of a chance.

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你并不需要诚惶诚恐的去和导师交流或者接近他们。You don’t need to have anything lofty to say or ask to approach your professors.

我诚惶诚恐赶紧开画,心里忐忑,也不知自己所学是否能让诸位法师满意。I was painted rapidly with reverence and awe, I'm not sure I could satisfy all of them.

即使在这个行当里干了这么多年,每次与死亡如此近距离的接触,我还是会感到诚惶诚恐。Even after all these years in my line of work, I still felt humility from being so close to death.

尽管那时候我已经身为教授,可在他面前,我觉得自己就像是一个面对大师、诚惶诚恐的年轻见习生。Even though I was a professor by that time, I felt like a young apprentice in the presence of brilliant master.

在绝大部分日本企业中,特别是庞大的国内服务业,经理们多少都有些诚惶诚恐。In much of the Japanese economy-especially its huge domestic services sector-managers are in something of a funk.

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反之,他们是在一个从未被探索过的数位学习领域里,小心翼翼、诚惶诚恐地摸索著未知的路。Rather, they are carefully and tediously mapping the unknown territory of e-learning that has never been traveled.

而当他得知自己面临感染艾滋病时,原本内向的他更是三个月闭门不出,生活在诚惶诚恐中。When he learned of his HIV infection faced when he was within the three months behind closed doors is not living in fear of.

其实,这个词现在实在不至于让我们诚惶诚恐,也大可不必让我们义愤填膺或深恶痛绝。Actually, this word is really unapt now let us with reverence and awe, also can need not let our be filled with indignation or detest.