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但纯香油治愈感染的伤口。But pure balm heals the festering wound.

香油是在丰富的不饱和脂肪酸。Sesame oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

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姜汁醋,香油大蒜汁,柠檬角,辣椒仔。Ginger and Vinegar, Garlic Sesame oil, Lemon Wedge, Tabasco.

套罩,涂香油,替他们盖上柔嫩的自尊。Shroudthem, embalm them, cover themallover with tender pride.

我说,如果你为了香,我建议你喝香油。I said, if you order incense , I suggest you drink sesame oil.

有麻酱、海鲜和香油,你喜欢哪一个?Which one would you prefer, sesame paste, seafood, or sesame oil?

臭豆腐可以拌辣椒酱、酱油、香油或泡菜吃。It can be eaten with chili sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil or kimchi.

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我们做这个菜时,用香油代替了花生油。In making this dish, we should use sesame oil instead of peanut oil.

箇香油弗然好卖许多铜钿,分畀穷人。For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.

加入酱油,鱼露,和香油,可以变成更适合亚洲人口味的凉菜。To add an Asian touch, you can also add soy sauce , fish sauce and sesame oil.

蛋和云呢拿香油拌匀,分次加入糖打至厚身。Whisk egg yolk with 25g sugar and vanilla extract until pale, fold in milk and oil.

橙花曾是一种在古代大量用于给木乃伊涂香油的精油。Neroli was once an oil heavily used in embalming those who were mummified in ancient times.

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结果不同产地降香药材中提取的降香油得率和理化性质均存在定的差异。Results There were some differences in the oil extraction rate and the physicochemical properties.

她在她的手上擦上香油,然后手掌在我的胸膛和手臂上慢慢运动,划着圈儿。She rubbed scented oil on her hands, then slowly moved her palms in circles over my chest and arms.

面条煮熟后过一遍冷水,捞出风干。调如油、香油搅拌面条。Put the boiled noddle into cool water, then air dry. Get some oil & sesame oil into the noodle & stir.

茶梅香油,这款是使发部和身体散发香味的不贵的香油。Tea Rose Fragrance. Fragrances are an inexpensive way to perfume unscented hair products and Body Oils.

他们的结论是薰衣草,雪松,百里香和迷迭香油有“头发生长促进属性。”They concluded that lavender, cedarwood, thyme and rosemary oils have "hair growth-promoting properties."

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而这道菜的技术并不高,只要将章鱼切成几块,盛在碟子里,散上些香油,配料,酱汁。The concept is pretty low tech. Small, live octopuses are cut into pieces and served squirming about on a plate.

平整干净的画面有如香油,能放松大脑,消除忧虑,让你不再去想明天要做的事。The smooth, clean surfaces act as a balm to your brain, helping to smooth out your own worries and mental to-do lists.

她花,香油,昌蒲以及其它的带香味的植物混合蒸馏,然后把提炼出来的液体回流,又蒸馏,又回流,又蒸馏。She distilled flowers, oil, and calamus with other aromatics then filtered and put them back in the still several times.