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这一资助差额必须加以填补。This funding gap must be filled.

比现在的差额多一倍多。That is more than double the current shortfall.

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在这两种情况下,都需要对差额进行分配。In any case, you want to distribute the difference.

把90毫差额放入一个筹办好的容积100毫升的柱形筒里。Put 90 ml of water into a100 ml graduated cylinder.

差额是四万三千港币。The balance is forty-three thousand Hong Kong dollars.

进出口贸易差额依然很大。The trade gap between imports and exports remained high.

买方和卖方之间的差额就是银行的费用和利润。The difference between the two is the bank’s fee and profit.

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由此产生的汇兑差额列作储备变动处理。Exchange differences are dealt with as a movement in reserves.

得到差额只有一个办法,那就是下跌。So there’s only one way to go for the margin, and that’s down.

阿根廷对华贸易差额在2008年转为逆差。Argentina's trade balance with China swung into a deficit in 2008.

我们双方都知道存在一个差额,就是在途货物。We both know that there exists a gap, which is goods in transition.

最终,由沙特阿拉伯划拨的大量资金弥补了这一差额。In the end, a substantial transfer from Saudi Arabia closed the gap.

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因此,我们只能兑换纸币并用马克硬币补齐差额。So we just exchange the bills and make up any difference in DM coins.

他说,这将平衡两国的贸易差额。It will offset the trade imbalance between the two countries, he said.

报远期差额,不报远期汇率是有其道理的。Quoting for ward differentials rather than forward rates has its reasons.

经纪人将差额装进口袋作为自己的收费而不披露。The agent would pocket the difference as his fee, rather than disclose it.

因此,我们只能兑换纸币并用日本硬币补齐差额。So we just exchange the bills and make up any difference in Japanese coins.

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因此该校正在制定一个碳补偿项目以弥补其中差额。So the school is developing a carbon-offset program to make up the difference.

这其中和您汇过来的款项有750泰币的差额。There is a difference of THB 750 between the amount sent and the amount received.

21年前,这样的经济增长在印度引发了一场收支差额危机,迫使该国进行改革。That led to a balance-of-payments crisis 21 years ago which forced India to change.