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我的信箱是空的。My mailbox was empty.

话音信箱和传真机。And voice-mail and fax.

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我想检查我的电子信箱。I want to check my E-mail.

我可以申请一个语音信箱吗?Can I apply for a V-mail here ?

邮政信箱恕不接受。P. O. Box will not be accepted.

他的门上有个信箱。He has a letter-box at his door.

给我的语音信箱留言。Leave a message on my voicemail.

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我需要申请一个新的电子信箱。I need to get a new email account.

然后,他打开电子信箱。Then he started opening his email.

奇摩电子信箱近期持续更新系统功能。Yahoo Email is updating it's system.

如果是语音信箱,就留个口信。Leave a message if you get voicemail.

最常见的是一个大字信箱里。The most common is a curbside mailbox.

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有两种类型的家庭信箱。There are two types of home mailboxes.

我将信投入信箱。I dropped the letter into the mail-box.

去入侵她电话里的的语音信箱,to hack onto her voicemail on her phone

把你的所有来电都转到语音信箱。Screen all your calls through voice mail.

要了解更多的细节,请来信寄一七九号邮政信箱。For further details, write to P O Box 179.

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现在以您的电子邮件或邮政信箱为例。Now consider your email or postal mailbox.

邮政信箱是不接受的。A post office box number is not acceptable.

请问我怎样才能租用一个邮政信箱?。Can you tell me how I can rent a P. O. Box?