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经手此事的人无利可图。It does not pay its handlers.

给这样一个折扣,我们就无利可图了。Such a discount won’t leave us anything.

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如果他们认为无利可图,也不会这样做。Nor if they thought there were no profits to be made.

决非如此——害死用户完全无利可图!Not at all—it is very unprofitable to kill customers!

以你方所报的价格,我们将无利可图。We wouldn't make any profits at the price you offered.

我猜,充当世界警察是无利可图的吧?Guess theres no money being the police of the globe eh?

任何为未来所做的努力在今天都无利可图。There's no profit to be had today in protecting tomorrow.

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老伙计,恐怕你的生意这次是无利可图。I'm afraid you're backed a loser there this time, old chap.

按照你方付款条件我们无利可图。This leaves us no margin of profit at your terms of payment.

她可不会给无利可图的公司写支票。She rarely writes cheques to support non-profitable companies.

早期殖民历险无一例外地无利可图。Without exception, the earliest colonial ventures were unprofitable.

但是如果用户不来我们搜索引擎搜索的话我们将无利可图。But we will be profitless if if the user does not come, we search engine.

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一旦CDS市场被重塑,它将变得沉闷无比,而且无利可图。Once reshaped, the CDS market will be a bit duller and a lot less lucrative.

这样又会把马克兑法郎抬高到无利可图的价格。Such a rush drives up the mark-franc price to the no-profit-oppprtunity point.

这种抢购位将马克对法郎的兑换价立即推动到无利可图的价格点。Such a rush drives up the mark- franc prices to the no-profit-opportunity point.

保持业余爱好——自愿做无利可图的事情而保持身体健康。Maintain outside interests — volunteer in not-for-profits and stay physically fit.

受感染的香蕉们将会迅速腐烂成一堆堆无利可图的杂草。Affected crops would soon deteriorate into rotting piles of unprofitable vegetation.

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运营商压价太低,厂商根本无利可图,只能去压低成本。Operators demand is too low, the manufacturer no profit, can only go to hold down costs.

当然,在制卡和会员卡制作机上举行打样是无利可图的。Of course, in business card printing and membership card making machine Proofing is viable.

旅馆无利可图,永远濒于绝境,他但愿自己能脱却干系。The hotel was unprofitable and forever on the edge of failure and he wished himself out of it.