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UNICEF将如何帮助中国的赈灾?。How will UNICEF help survivals from China's Earthquake?

希望计划如何帮助中国的地震赈灾?。How will PROJECT HOPE help survivals from China's Earthquake?

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最近几天都忙于赈灾的各项活动中。In recent days I am busy with the disaster relief activities.

我所捐给UNICEF的所有款项是否都将给与中国的赈灾?。Will all the money I donate through UNICEF go to survivals in China?

我所捐给红十字会的所有款项是否都将给与中国的赈灾?。Will all the money I donate through Red Cross go to survivals in China?

要是这些能源真有正当用途的话,那就非此次赈灾莫属了!If ever an occasion for their use was justified, it was this catastrophe.

让我们汇聚点滴爱心,支持赈灾义举。Let's gather many a little love heart to support disaster relief kindness.

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直隶赈抚局是清末直隶地区专门办理赈灾救济机关。Zhili relief bureau is the special agence of handling reliving in Zhili region.

慈济赈灾团医疗人员,为他施行急救措施,郑太太也赶到现场。Aid relief members immediately begin emergency rescue. Mrs. Zhen also rushed to the site.

研究华洋义赈会从赈灾到防灾的实践飞跃,对当代的救灾和防灾工作也有借鉴意义。Such insights and practices are of great importance in disaster relief and prevention work today.

另外,全国各地举行了数场赈灾义演为地震幸存者募集钱款。There were also several concerts across the country to raise money for the survivors of the quake.

缅甸有一个正在运行的赈灾项目,但是这个项目只能把救援物资运送给四分之一需要援助的灾民。There is a functioning relief program in place, but it is reaching only a quarter of the people in need.

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除了社区服务,记者们也惊讶的发现志工们到海地赈灾都是自费的。As well as local community service, reporters were surprised to find that volunteers paid to go to Haiti.

“当台风纽兰达台风袭击这个国家时,我们提供了人道主义援助和赈灾”他补充道。"We provided humanitarian assistance and disaster relief when Typhoon Yolanda hit this country, " he added.

但是,赈灾的官员说我们所关心的是住在肯尼亚避难所中的群众的威胁。But what is concerning say relief officials is the threat to the people living in Kenya's displacement camps.

李连杰决定息影一年,专注赈灾及灾区重建工作。Jet Li has decided to quit acting for a year to focus on disaster relief and reconstruction of quake-hit areas.

缅甸慈济赈灾团安排治疗活动,首先,第一步就是帮助一位八岁孩童。Tzu Chi's aid relief team in Myanmar arranges treatment that may help an eight-year-old boy take his first step.

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吴霸天虽以为交易得逞,但有一半赈灾官银失踪之事仍旧令他十分担心。Wu the day that trade is to succeed, but half the relief of silver missing to his still is very concerned about.

国内亏空公款和贪污情形颇严重,人们往往质疑赈灾捐款使用是否得当。Chinese are naturally suspicious of how the relief money is used, given many reports of embezzlement and corruption.

日后李提摩太之所以能够广泛涉足中国政治,与他赈灾获得的社会声望密切相关。His extensive involvement in China's politics in the latter days was closely related to the prestige from the relief.