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发现酵母菌感染。Discovering a yeast infection.

他和他的同事们是在酵母菌里找到这些东西的。He and his colleagues found the genes in yeast.

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有助于保持正常的白假丝酵母菌的平衡!Helps maintain normal levels of Candida albicans bacteria!

杂交技术也被用于改良酵母菌株。Hybridization is also used for the improvement of yeast strains.

数据库里又输入了67种酵母菌用来修补细胞壁的基因。Their database had a total of 67 genes that fix cell walls in yeast.

红茶菌是一种由醋酸菌和酵母菌共生发酵得到一种共生体。Kombucha is a kind of symbiosis with yeast and acetic acid bacterium.

治疗组在此基础上口服布拉酵母菌。The therapy group was treated plus with saccharomyces boulardii viaora.

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考察了菌落总数、霉菌、酵母菌数和大肠菌群数的变化。The microorganisms including natural microflora and yeast and mold and E.

这个过程非常像制作啤酒,酵母菌发酵混合物,从而产生乙醇。In a process much like making beer, yeast ferments the mixture, producing ethanol.

对酵母菌的抑制作用受固醇的种类影响,以胆固醇的保护作用最强。Inhibition of the toxins on yeasts are affected by composition of membrane sterols.

否则,高浓度的异丁醇会抑制酵母菌的生长。Otherwise, high concentrations of isobutanol would inhibit the growth of the yeast.

研究了酒精发酵凝集性酵母菌的筛选方法。Studied the selecting method of agglutinating nature yeast on alcohol fermentation.

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霉菌、酵母菌和细菌是引起酸乳腐败的主要微生物类群。The molds, yeasts and bacteria are main microorganisms causing spoilage of yoghurt.

对酵母菌与乳酸菌混合发酵制备酸豆浆酒的工艺进行了研究。Yeast and lactobacillus were used as starters for production of sour soymilk liquor.

结果160株酵母样真菌以白色假丝酵母菌的检出率居首位。The results of 160 yeast-like fungus Candida albicans to the rate on top of the list.

该文是对采用乳酸菌与酵母菌对黄瓜汁进行复合发酵的研究。The multi fermentation of cucumber juice by lactic acid bactria and yeast was studied.

观察白假丝酵母菌临床菌株的荚膜结构并探讨其形成条件。To observe and confirm the capsule structure of a clinical strain of Candida albicans.

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女性办公室的霉菌和酵母菌数量较多,主要是来自抽屉中的食品。Women's offices had higher numbers of mold and yeast, mostly from food kept in drawers.

已查明制霉菌素在肠道内可抑制菌丛类酵母菌的生长。Nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.

比较了耐热酵母菌马克思克鲁维酵母DNA的5种提取方法的效果,确定了一种可有效提取酵母菌DNA的方法。The effect of 5 methods of DNA extraction from heat-resisting yeast in food were compared.