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你把我的裤子洗缩水了!You have shrunk my pants!

这种料子缩水吗?Will this material shrink?

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你得算好布会缩水。You must allow for shrinkage.

去年工资的含金量已缩水。The value of wages fell last year.

这种布爱缩水。This kind of cloth shrinks easily.

毛织物一洗要缩水。Woollen fabrics shrink in the wash.

为什么下雨的时候绵羊不缩水?Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

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这布不缩水。This cloth will not shrink in the wash.

这种衣料一洗要缩水。This dress material shrinks in the wash.

没关系,先生,它不缩水。That's all right sir it's not shrinkable.

在热水中洗毛织品会使其缩水。Washing wool in hot water will shrink it.

这件羊毛衫洗后会缩水吗?Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed?

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牛仔裤如何洗不缩水?。How do you wash jeans without shrinking them?

传递完全不缩水的驾驶乐趣!Vehicle that delivers unliluted driving pleasure!

这件上衣如果缩水,就不那麽合身了。If the shirt shrinks , it won't fit you that well.

用凉水清洗,以免羽绒服缩水。Wash with cold water. This will prevent shrinking.

收缩水就是平衡油脂和调节肌肤的。Astringents are meant to dry up oil and tone the skin.

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股票溢价的缩水可能还有另一个理由。The equity premium’s shrinkage may have another reason.

如今,单元房正在以大幅缩水的价格被推销给客户。Units are now being marketed at heavily reduced prices.

当你赤裸身裸体时,也许就会忘记失业、减薪和养老金帐户缩水了,至少天体旅游促销员是这么告诉你的。At least that's how the promoters of nude travel see it.