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一个人的动物属相是连接到他或她的出生年份。A person's animal sign is connected to his or her birth year.

而按照中国的属相,我是属马的,今年是我的本命年。Since I am a Horse in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year.

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而按照中国的属相,我是属兔的,今年是我的本命年。Since I am a Rabbit in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year.

尽管我的属相是猪,我可不像表现得像它一样。Although my animal zodiac is pig, I don't want to act like one.

中国的十二生肖由12种动物组成,每年出生的人的属相都由其中一个动物代表。The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 animals that represent certain years.

按照传统,中国的属相同样也是一个重要的角色。With these traditions, the Chinese lunar zodiac calendar plays a big role.

爱家的你是属于那一个属相的?也应该拥有自己的一套喔。Loving home that you are an animal of should also have their own set of Oh.

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中国农历会在一个12年的周期中,每年分配一个动物属相。The Chinese lunar calendar assigns an animal symbol to each year in a 12-year cycle.

中国人相信每个人像他的属相,属相反映了他们的个性。Chinese believe that every person resembles an animal and this reflects their traits.

你知道属兔的人和什么属相的人最配吗?Do you know which animal signs are best paired with people born in the Year of Rabbit?

一开始我很生气,后来才知道,他说的是我的属相。I got angry at first, but then I realized he was talking about my Chinese Zodiac symbol.

在中国属相在社交场合也很有用,可以用它来获知他人的年龄。In China the animal signs also serve a useful social function for finding out people's ages.

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虽然英语人口属相对弱势,喀国的英文部落格圈仍相当活跃。Although English speakers are the minority, the Cameroonian English blogosphere is very active.

属虎的人主要以勇敢著称,但是虎也是爱炫耀的属相。Tigers are chiefly known for their bravery, but they also tend to be one of the flashier signs.

一些中国人相信属相在决定人的一生中是一个首要因素。Some of the Chinese believe that the animal sign is the primary factor in determining one's life.

这些属相动物,也就是中国文化中的生肖符号,它们也有一种社会功能。Well, those animals, I mean the zodiac signs of Chinese culture, also have some social functions.

想要了解你自己的动物属相,请从12个循环的年份中找出你出生的那一年。To learn about your Animal Sign, find the year of your birth among the 12 signs running around the border.

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属相的变化标志着全新的开端。无所不在的红色令人热情迸发、乐观向上。The change of animal is a sign of a fresh start and the colour red which is everywhere is energising and upbeat'.

人们只要知道一个人大概的年龄和他的属相,就能推算出他的准确年龄和出生年份了。As long as people know a person's probable age and his symbolic animal, people can infer his exact age and year of birth.

知道了他的属相在十二生肖中的位置,以及所具有的常识,就能推算出他的确切的年龄了。This would place that person's age within a cycle of 12 years, and with a bit of common sense, we can deduce the exact age.