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每个小组自己登记出勤情况。Each group kept its own records of attendance.

出勤我不区分有故和无故缺席。I do not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences.

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作为一个小五年级,他获得了学校的出勤奖。As a fifth grader, he received his school's attendance award.

出勤情况将记录在培训出勤登记薄上。Attendance will be recorded on the Training attendance register.

我去过比哈尔的一所学校,那里老师的出勤从来无人管束。I visited a school in Bihar where teachers never bothered to show up.

当然出勤和工作绩效判断起来很简单,我可以看销售量就行了。Of course attendance and productivity are easy, I just look at the sales figures.

经过一段漫长的萧条期后,又开始试探性地重新出现这种出勤交通方式。After a long slump, corporate traffic is, very tentatively, beginning to re-appear.

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你可以对输入的出勤和缺勤做特别的核对。You can define specific plausibility checks for the entry of attendances and absences.

而作为员工及会员身份卡用途的八达通卡可记录出勤及团体福利信息。Others are used as staff and membership cards that can track attendance and group benefits.

在纳瓦罗第一个NBA赛季,他平均砍下10.9分,2.2次助攻,出勤82场比赛。In his only NBA season, Navarro averaged 10.9 points and 2.2 assists in 82 games in 2007-2008.

尽管旷课是违反校规的行为,糟糕的出勤记录也会使你的期末成绩毁于一旦。Skipping classes violates school rules and a poor attendance record will damage your final mark.

服从防损部门在商品安全、消防和出勤等方面的监督、管理。C. Obeying security dept. to check and management in goods security, fight and turn out for work.

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根据小区的排班计划核对当班人员的出勤情况,并做好相关记录。Check the attendance status of operator according to shift arrangement and finish relative record.

这将是一个24小时作业,9架飞机出勤,每架飞机一天飞行3架次。It would be a round-the-clock operation, with nine aircraft each required to fly three sorties a day.

负责防损部临时工的管理及出勤记录工作。To be in charge of management and attendance record registration work to Loss Prevention casual workers.

与助教会面的出勤,与无论何种特殊情形下,凯勒.诺娜皆为必读。Attendance at meetings with the course tutor and at the special events with Nora Okja Keller is required.

和多人都认为出勤主义是因为员工害怕丢了收入或工作才出现的。Presenteeism is widely thought to be caused by a fear of loss of income or employment on the part of the employee.

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目的为方便教师统计学生的出勤情况,设计和实现课堂签到系统。Aim The lesson cheek in system was designed and realized, it's suited teachers convenience to check out the absentees.

分析者说,生物测定器也节省了餐厅雇人来监督员工出勤情况的钱。The biometrics also save the chains money by removing the need for managers to oversee staff attendance, analysts say.

我们对这种事情非常重视,就算在周二晚上10点半都还有15名消防队员自愿出勤。It was because we took it so seriously that 15 volunteers still managed to attend the call out at 10.30 on Tuesday night.