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每朵油桐花都只有一天的寿命。Each oil tung flower has one day-long of life.

油桐也正开花呢,这一丛,那儿一簇,很不少。Tung is flowering, this cluster, a cluster, there is very little.

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标题油桐属与石栗属叶的比较解剖观察。Comparative anatomical observation on leaf of Vernicia Lour and Aleutites Forst.

今年受到气候忽晴忽雨的影响,油桐花提早绽放。This year, because of the unpredictable weather, the Tung flowers started blooming earlier.

湖南省保靖县是我国主要的油桐产区之一。Baojing county of Hunan province is one of the main bases for tungoiltree production in China.

目的比较我国的广东、海南、贵州和印度等地所产小油桐种子含油率及其脂肪酸组成。Objective To compare the oil contents and fatty acid composition among the samples of Jatropha curcas L.

油桐选优去劣是防止品种退化、实现油桐良种化的主要途径。To select the improved varieties of Tung trees is a main approach to prevent the breed from degenerating.

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再经微量化学反应试验,证实油桐尺蠖性信息素的主要官能团是不饱和醇。The microchemical reaction showed that the major functional group of the geometer's sex pheromone was an unsaturated alcohol.

本文将湖南省油桐栽培区划分为一个中心栽培区,一个主要栽培区,三个一般栽培区和一个边缘栽培区。Six cultivation zones of tung oil tree have been divided in Hunan, i. e. one central zone, one main zone, three general zones and one marginal zone.

为今后发展油桐生产,合理布局油桐基地提供了科学依据。The result makes it possible to provide scientific basis for the development of tung oil plantations and the rational distribution of production bases.

早期的树脂产生于原材料,像从大豆中提炼出来的油,亚麻的种子、中国的油桐果、红花种子、棉籽和沙丁鱼。Early resins were made from raw materials such as the oils from Soya Beans, Flax Seeds, China Tung Nuts, Safflower seeds, Cottonseeds , and even Sardines!

结果表明,油桐尺蠖的为害对油桐的生长发育、产量和桐油的品质,均有不同程度的影响。The results indicated that the damage of the insect had an effect on the development and yield of tung tree and the quality of tung oil in varying degrees.

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本文报道了不同季节内喷施矿质营养元素后油桐叶片营养元素含量的变化。This paper reports on the mineral content in leaves after spraying certain amount of mineral elements during different season and its effects on production.

同时发现,健康的油桐尺蠖血淋巴具有提高细胞活性及病毒感染效果的作用。In addition, this exporiment also found that the healthy hemolymph from the original insects could increase the cellular activity and the effects of viral infection.

对油桐优树选择标准、选择方法进行了初探,得出各性状在选优中所占权重。This paper makes a tentative inquiry into the choice of standard and method about the improved strains of Tung tree and knows the proportion each property accounts for.

一般的花朵总是在盛开时最艳丽,但是油桐花却是随著清风吹拂落在地上时最美,还因此被称作「五月雪」。Generally speaking, flowers are most beautiful when they are in full bloom, but Tung flowers are most beautiful when they are falling to the ground in the wind, so they are also called "May Snow."

为规范油桐生产和桐油等级及适应外贸出口的需要,必须制订油桐产品质量等级标准。In order to make tungoiltree industry and tung oil quality grade standardization, so as to meet the export requirements, it is necessary to establish the Tung Oil Quality Grade, which includes tu.