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香港是广东“汤文化”的发扬光大者。People in Hongkong are fond of making soup.

民主终有一天会在这个国家发扬光大。Democracy will one day prosper in the country.

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我们希望这一精神在今后一段时间将维持下去并发扬光大。We hope this spirit will continue and build in the coming months.

亡灵族,只要他们还在这里,上上善道就无法发扬光大。Necrons. The Greater Good cannot prosper so long as they are here.

使儒家孔孟思想得以保留并且发扬光大。Can make the Confucianism thoroughfare thought reserve and promote.

万隆精神是不朽的,值得我们倍加珍惜,发扬光大!We must hold dear and carry forward the ever-lasting Bandung spirit.

如今,残奥精神在中国得到进一步发扬光大,它走近你们,你们拥抱它,将之珍藏于心。It reached out to you, you embraced it and it is now cherished in your hearts.

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所以你最好找个快手然后用经验让他发扬光大。So you are better off getting someone quick and you develop him with experience.

我坚信古琴的发展趋势必然是能够发扬光大的。Therefore, I firmly believe that Guqin will enjoy a bright future of development.

我们有理由永远把它继承并发扬光大。So we have sufficient reason to carry forward and further develop it in perpetuity.

说到家族渊源,米帅可是背负了将家族名声发扬光大的使命。Speaking of ancestry, Wentworth is determined to keep the family name going strong.

洋平的生鱼片寿司一炮而红,很快地,就有其他厨师开始将他的点子发扬光大。Yohei's sashimi was an instant hit, and soon other chefs began improving on his idea.

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因此,我们可以毫不夸张地说,湖湘文化因王夫之而发扬光大。Therefore , we can say without exaggerating, Huxiang culture is promoted by Wang Fuzhi.

归根到底,这其实是英国的一个传统,我们继承了下来,发扬光大。And it's really essentially an English tradition, which we have carried on and broadened.

这些趣味十足的印花将传统的柔美风格发扬光大。Traditionally girly styles are made even more feminine with theaddition of this fun print.

炖菜最早起源于山东,从山东传到内蒙,到山西发扬光大。Stew originated in Shandong, Shandong came from Inner Mongolia , Shanxi Province to develop.

我希望她和这段片花中的某些感觉和创意,能在以后发扬光大。I wish that she, and some of the feeling and wit of the short film, had been in the long one.

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孔子说,“人能够使道发扬光大,却不能用道来光大人。”The Master said, "It is the man that can broaden the Way, not the Way that broadens the man."

今年无论谁成为民主党总统候选人提名都将发扬光大之。Whoever the Democratic nominates for president this year, he will have this record to run upon.

我希望所有翻译的经典,能够流传于后世,而发扬光大。I hope that all translations of the classics, and can spread to later generations, but flourish.