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很彰彰,更多的测试需要推行…Obviously! more testing wlike order.

应该推行穆斯林登记制吗?Should there be a registry of Muslims?

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国新办称,现在的中国互联网必须推行实名制。Time to get 'real' on China's Internet.

我们大力推行了土地改革。We have pushed forward with land reform.

山东推行足球进武校计划,功夫能拯救中国足球?China's anemic soccer pins hopes on Kungfu.

格伦周游美国推行新策。Gruen toured America promoting his invention.

谁的反危机计划将会被推行?Whose anti-crisis programme is to be imposed?

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扩大范围的公共关系计画正在推行中。The expanded public-relations programs are under way.

都推行希腊式教育。They all practiced a certain kind of Greek education.

你同意香港推行国情教育吗?Do you agree in having National Education in Hong Kong?

由二零零一年开始推行「蛙王艺术馆」计划。He started the "Frog King Kwok Museum" project in 2001.

正在推行服务承诺制。Our company is carrying out the service promise system.

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怀疑派则指出应该谨慎推行公开化。Sceptics point out that due process requires discretion.

摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.

这些就是我们推行的,精细项目。These were very sophisticated projects that we developed.

这种先进的操作方法已在各厂推行。This advanced method has been introduced in every factory.

但综合柜员制的推行又带来了一定的操作风险。But the teller systems bring to a certain operational risk.

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不过,运动保龄的推行好像有点急就章。But there's been too big a rush to implement Sport Bowling.

推行政务公开,方便群众办事和监督。Implementation of open, facilitate the masses and supervise.

工务计划的推行进展良好。Good progress has been made in the implementation of the PWP.