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没有任何阴谋。Therewas no conspiracy.

他参与了这个阴谋。He fell in for the plot.

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这分明是个阴谋!It must be a conspiracy.

他把这个阴谋泄露给我们。He tipped the plot to us.

他的阴谋败露了。His plot has spunked out.

阴谋慢慢败露。The plot develops slowly.

这一切全都是阴谋!This is all a machination!

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你们在策划什么阴谋?What plot are you brewing?

他的阴谋败露了。His plot has been struck out.

我也有一个厌世的阴谋。I also have a world-weary plot.

他们策划了一个毒辣的阴谋。They concocted a sinister plot.

一个阴谋在暗中策划着。A plot was hatched with secrecy.

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敌人的阴谋未能得逞。The enemy's plot was frustrated.

他的罪恶阴谋未能得逞。His evil designs were frustrated.

警方破获了一项阴谋。The police have uncovered a plot.

他卷入了一宗阴谋。He was implicated in a conspiracy.

这就是阴谋理论家所做的。That's what conspiracy theorists do.

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秦桧耍过很多臭名昭著的阴谋。Qinhui played lots of infamous plots.

敌人的阴谋计划注定是要失败的。The enemy's plan is never to succeed.

那些人阴谋反对他们的国王。The men intrigued against their king.