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当你需要松绑神经时,可以通过吃东西来放松。You can eat to relax when you need to unwind.

这时他们才给奥德修斯松绑,取出他们耳朵中的蜡。Then his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears.

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给她松绑时可以看到她脖子上几道长长的、红色的伤痕。As we untied her, we could see long red bruises across her neck.

但是,其中一名男子动手给凯文松绑,另一名捉住了泰瑞。Yet when one starts to untie Kevin the other takes Teri hostage.

松绑如今已成一纸空谈,特别是在现今的印度。Talk of decoupling is in the air again, especially here in India.

但是,其中一名男子动手给凯文松绑,另一名捉住了泰瑞。Yet when one starts to untie Kevin, the other takes Teri hostage.These men are not from CTU.

这项规定松绑之后,就可开发能钻得更深的炸弹了。Relaxing this restriction would lead to the development of weapons that could burrow farther.

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所以学会如何松绑,如何放松身心便至关重要——即使是一小会儿。It’s important to learn how to unwind and relax body and mind – even if only for short periods.

以消费者福利著手达到强制性电信网路松绑〉。Hausman. A Consumer-Welfare Approach to the Mandatory Unbundling of Telecommunications Networks.

就在火车头将要碾压上女主人公的前一刻,她得以松绑脱险。The heroine was untied in a matter of seconds just before the locomotive would have crushed her.

长恨哥手下吃得津津有味之际,忽然发现汉斯等人已自行松绑。Brother long hate men ate with relish, suddenly discovered that Hans and other people have to relax.

私营市场勒住了自己的脖子,现在需要政府来给他们松绑”。That the private market screwed itself up and they need the government to come help them unscrew it.

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三十九军将古克松绑了起来,并以倒卖军火罪对他判了死刑。Thirty-nine army will loosen up ancient grams, and by selling arms to sin for him sentenced to death.

联邦最高法院松绑企业竞选的支出,只会让这种依赖更加糟糕。Corporate campaign spending, now liberated by the Supreme Court, will only make that dependency worse.

在走廊里,一个人过来告诉狱警把他们松绑,拿掉眼罩。Back in the corridor a man arrived and told the guards to untie the prisoner and take his blindfold off.

2011年,是时候让我们变得更加“谨慎乐观”,是时候为我们的酒店营销费用松绑了。In 2011, however, it’s time to be more ‘cautiously optimistic.’ It’s time to un-shrink the hotel marketing budget!

崔折中把手下叫了进来,替自己松绑后,立刻就调兵进了皇宫,要将金圣烈拿下。Cui compromise called hand in, to give myself after loosening, immediately the soldiers into the palace, Jin Shenglie to win.

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娣妹被石娇打晕,手脚被绑困在满地毒蛇的房间,刚巧张保仔经过替她松绑。Her sister is charming stun, hands and feet tied trapped in ground viper room, cheung Po tsai skillfully after loosening for her.

为此,上海适当放宽了对房龄在10年左右的二手房贷款的限制,为房地产贷款松绑。To this end, Shanghai appropriate relaxation of age in 10 years or so secondary Housing loan limit for the real estate lending policy.

佛山本来有可能成为中国第一个因为担心一度红火的房地产市场陷入困境而对房地产投资限制松绑的城市。It would have been the first city in China to relax property-investment curbs amid concerns that the once red-hot sector is in trouble.