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我突然猛地击了他一拳。I belted him one.

一阵酷暑突然过去了。The hot spell broke.

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突然之间我们感到害臊。Suddenly we felt shy.

他们突然唱起歌来。They broke into song.

一种流行病突然开始流行。An epidemic broke out.

我突然心生一计。An idea broke upon me.

他突然用力拉绳。He yanked on the rope.

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突然,我的书掉在地板上。My book hit the floor.

亚历克斯又突然插嘴。Alex interjected again.

他突然离开她。He broke away with her.

他突然不辞而别。He suddenly peeled out.

路突然向右转个弯。The road bends sharply.

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他停得太突然了。He stopped too suddenly.

突然我灵机一动。Then I had a brainstorm.

他突然进到房子里。He leaped into the house.

突然出现剧烈的头痛。Sudden, severe headaches.

我的眼里突然涌起了泪水。Suddenly my eyes tear up.

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汽车突然停了下来。The car jerked to a stop.

门突然大开。The door was thrown open.

那匹马突然向前冲。The horse leaped forward.