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你做什么维持生计?What do you do for a living?

你想要维持窈窕身材吗?Do you want to keep in shape?

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维持有效的血容量。Keeping effective blood volume.

这种妄想并没有维持很久。The delusion did not last long.

“平手”的局面他们维持了多久?How long did they stay on deuce?

胯部稍向前顷斜并维持住。Tilt your hips forward and hold.

维持魔界的规范吧!Let's keep up a code of devildom!

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维持一个强壮有力的社交网络。Maintain a strong social network.

这笔钱使我们维持到发工资。This kept us going until pay-day.

在其他地方,它都维持下去。Everywhere else, it keeps going on.

他靠干零活维持生活。He made a living by doing odd jobs.

他们一家靠每星期20英镑的收入维持生活。His family subsisted on £20 a week.

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有些老师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。Some teachers find it difficult to.

那时我们靠野果子维持生命。At that time we lived on wild fruit.

这么多的水是如何维持悬浮状态的?How does all this water stay afloat?

警察在街上维持秩序。Policemen keep order in the streets.

但他试图维持自己的观点。But he tries to maintain perspective.

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维持楼层布草房的干净和整洁。Keep floor linen rooms neat and tidy.

维持饭店大门口、停车场交通秩序。Keep the front do parking lot in der.

这笔钱将维持我们一个月的生活。This money will carry us for a month.