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他们推选了一个新的教皇,本笃十六世。They chose a new pope, Benedict XVI.

她被推选为今年的五月节女王。She is elected as May Queen this year.

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我们推选他为我们足球队队长。We made him captain of our football team.

如果他们得不到推选,那么丹瑞的重大计划就会泡汤。If they are not elected, Than Shwe grand plan is over.

他们用大量的选票重新推选他出任地方长官。They re-elected him governor by a large number of votes.

我们想推选我们新的家庭壮健监测器。Wead like to recommend our new home heasternativeh monitor.

工人们推选这年轻人当副厂长。The workers made the young man vice-director of the factory.

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然而,如果不操纵选票的话,那些人是不可能被推选出来的。However, without vote rigging these people can not be elected.

利夫尼上星期被推选为执政的前进党领袖。Livni was elected leader of the ruling Kadima party last week.

民主党随后推选宾夕法尼亚州的联邦参议员乔治.达拉斯为副总统的候选人。The Democrats then chose Senator George Dallas of Pennsylvania.

同班同学想推选她当班长,可是她不愿意。The classmates wanted to make her the monitor,but she demurred.

科威特城被推选为亚奥理事会永久性总部。Kuwait the city was elected as the permanent headquarters of the OCA.

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批评家们立即把注意力转向这个组织最新推选出来的成员。The critics immediately homed in on the group's newly-elected members.

就算我们推选一个新的市长,他还是会变的和吉米斯一样。Even if we elect a new mayor, he will turn out just the same as Jamison.

我推选班上三名最好的学生参加英语演讲比赛。I put in three best students from my class for the English Speech Contest.

在拥有15个成员国的安理会中,秘鲁被推选获得代表拉丁美洲的另一个席位。Peru holds the other elected Latin American seat on the 15-member council.

所有的联谊会与人们都能投票推选返校女王,we have a homecoming queen that all the sororities and people get to vote on,

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星期三,奥尔默特所在的前进党开始了党内初选程序,推选接替他的人选。On Wednesday, his Kadima party began the process for primaries to replace him.

党派身份并不一定能够预测一位选民会推选哪位候选人。Party affiliation does not necessarily predict which candidate a voter will choose.

在第四轮投票中,大会推选卡斯为民主党的总统候选人。On the fourth vote, the convention chose Cass as the party's presidential candidate.