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他开始恢复与生俱来的热情奔放。His natural ebullience began to return.

这一年,将会是水瓶座热情奔放的一年。Passion will be your war-horse, this year.

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青年时期奔放通过我发光。The ebullience of youth shines through me.

海河,孕育了天津这座城市奔放且坦荡的本性。Haihe River, breeds up the cradle of Tianjin.

她在寒冬腊月奔放,又在阳春三月凋落。She was in severe winter and spring in March.

梦幻的火焰的样子更抽象、更奔放。Fancy flames for an more abstract, funky look.

整个空间色调鲜明奔放,风格热烈大方。The space left- untrammeled, style warm generous.

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我上次见到他时他热情奔放。The last time I saw him he was bubbling over with enthusiasm.

在内敛含蓄中舒展着典雅端庄之美,在热烈奔放中渲泄活泼洒脱之情。Beauty of elegance and lively and free feeling are both in it.

姊长期奔放,找不到矜持的方向。Sister long unrestrained, can not find the direction of modesty.

我的内心充满了对大自然和大海的自由奔放的热爱之情。The great free love of nature and the sea absorbs me completely.

总之,和那里的气候一样,热辣、奔放、张扬。In short, and where the climate, and hot, untrammeled , publicity.

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他对于友谊和文学批评是一样地自由奔放。He was as liberal in his friendships as in his literary criticisms.

她散发出的对生活之乐和热情奔放的感觉都消失了。She exuded joie de vivre and an ebullient sensuality that she lost.

西班牙的舞蹈热情奔放,我很喜欢。Spanish dancing is very passionate and untrammeled. I really like it.

明快的杏黄色又会创造出青春的奔放意境。Bright apricot yellow would have created a mood of unrestrained youth.

女人的美丽在于热心给予别人的关爱,在于表现出来的热情奔放。It is the caring that she lovingly gives , the passion that she shows.

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马以其奔放、勤劳、勇敢的个性而深得人们喜爱。People like the horse because they are unrestrained, diligent and brave.

因此我让自己的情绪奔放,然后在平静下来后再回复。So I let my emotions run their course, and then respond when I’m calmer.

这里很奔放、很狂热,活力四射。现在它依然活力无限。You know, very wild, very frenetic, high energy. It's still high energy.