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拓片是一种特殊的文献形式。Rubbing is a sort of special document.

用剪刀将叶子拓片剪下。Cut out the leaf rubbings with scissors.

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点选其中一项即可显示该拓片的搜寻结果。Click on any source to show the inscriptions.

并赠送有关书籍、拓片。We also with to present some books and rubbings.

再将拓片转贴到图画用纸卡片的正面。Transfer the rubbings to the front of the construction paper card.

制作叶子拓片是和孩子们一起庆祝秋天的好办法。Making leaf rubbings is a nice way to celebrate autumn with the kids.

用对比色勾出每张叶子拓片的边缘。Go around the edge of each leaf rubbing with a crayon of a contrasting color.

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如果要做更有创造性的叶子拓片,可以选择蓝色,紫色和粉色等颜色。For a more creative leaf rubbing, select colors such as blue, purple and pink.

拓片裱好以后,从此再没有在中国展出。The rubbings are mounted in the Chinese way and have never been shown in China.

拓片之主要名称、与其他名称,例如甲骨文拓片。The main title of a rubbing, and other titles, for instance, oracle bone rubbings.

如果是做传统的叶子拓片,可选择红色,橙色,黄色和褐色等颜色。For a traditional leaf rubbing, choose colors such as red, orange, yellow and brown.

拓片也是节日贺卡正面引人注目的装饰品。The rubbings also make an attractive decoration for the front of a holiday greeting card.

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将叶子拓片反过来放在一张干净的纸上,背面涂上固体胶水。Turn the leaf rubbings over on a clean piece of paper. Apply a glue stick to the back side.

另有大量的古代金石拓片、舆图、家谱、少数民族古籍。There are large collections of ancient rubbings, pictures, atlas, stemmata , and minority literatures.

他的诗,便是他生命的拓片,可以从他的诗作品中看到他的血气、他的泪光、他的骨影、他的魂跃。His poems are the rubbings of his life, from which we can see his integrity, his suffering, his inflexibility and his soul.

我们首先将散见于各书的墓志释文收集起来,再利用所能见到的拓片逐字进行校勘。First of all we will be scattered Epitaph released the text of the book collection, and re-use can be seen rubbing collation verbatim.

这是一幅最早的拓片画像,取自于公元一世纪左右的石雕,描绘的是中国第一位帝王。In the earliest portrait on this rubbing from a stone relief from around 100 CE, Great Yu, this first dynastic king of China, was portrayed.

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2004年「金石拓片数位典藏研讨会」的举行,史语所藏青铜器拓片资料库正式对外发表。On the "Discussion Forum on the Metal and Stone Rubbings Digital Archives" in 2004, the bronze rubbings database of IHP was officially opened to the public.

在这批拓片藏品中,有不少现今罕见的精拓本,较之目前国内外所出版图录更为精美、完整。Among these collections of ink rubbings , there are many rare items, which are much earlier and intact than those currently published by press at home and abroad.

传统金石目录学作为中国金石学的基本组成部分,以其近千年的深厚积累,为石刻拓片书目控制提供了丰富的经验和理论借鉴价值。Being the basic part of Chinese Epigraphy, Bibliography of Epigraphy provides bibliographic control of stone rubbings abundant experience and theories for reference.