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他开了许多空头支票。He kited many checks.

我知道他是决不会开空头支票的。I know that he can't act on guess-work.

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我们很需要她的帮助,但她用空头支票忽悠了我们。We needed her help but were fobbed off by promises.

美国再也不能拿着空头支票搞外交了。We can no longer conduct foreign policy on a blank check.

累计发生三次以上开立空头支票的客户。Customers who issue dishonored cheques for more than three times.

我们同意,重用的想法是空头支票,并且过度简化了。We’d agree that the idea of reuse was oversold and oversimplified.

因此,他呼吁培养更多兢兢业业的教师无异于寻求一张空头支票。It's pie-in-the-sky for him to cry out for more dedicated teachers.

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拿出一个面包比开一张空头支票更有用。To offer a loaf of bread is more useful than making an empty promise.

奥巴马说,美国给巴基斯坦开“空头支票”的日子一去不返了。Obama said that the days of the US giving Pakistan a blank cheque were over.

在“空头支票”盛行之前,投机热已经在社会上大肆盛行。The fever of speculation was in the veins of the community before "kiting" began.

给黑人一张空头支票——一张盖着“资金不足”的印戳被退回的支票。Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

我以前的两辆车都是二手的,也曾经签过空头支票,但是我会给自己一个最后期限。I had two cars repossessed, and I was writing bad checks, but I gave myself a timeline.

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因此,跟其他任何在他这个位子上的人相比,奥巴马跟空头支票最近。As a result, Mr. Obama has the closest thing anyone in his job ever gets to a blank check.

对签发空头支票骗取财物的,要依法追究刑事责任。On the issue of lip-service cheat, be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

八年过去了,这个女人期盼着奥巴马总统关闭关塔那摩的监狱并释放她丈夫,虽然奥巴马上台的时候信誓旦旦要在今年1月22日之前关闭监狱,但如今看来这又是空头支票了。Eight years later, she is waiting for President Obama to close the prison and return her husband.

所以她听到国会乱开空头支票丑闻时,她可不会保持缄默。So she wasn't about to bite her tongue when she heard about the congressional check-kiting scandal.

民主党认为共和党只是在开空头支票从而在协商谈崩后将责任推在民主党身上。Democrats believe Republicans are making empty offers in hopes of blaming Democrats when talks collapse.

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不要再开空头支票了,例如,“这些钱不够进入商海,”或“这有个弊端,”等等这类话。Stop writing blank checks, such as, “There is not enough to go around, ” or “There is a shortage, ” etc.

有些人只会说些取悦他人的话。你是否认识乱开空头支票的人呢?Some people just say what they think others want to hear. Do you know someone who makes lots of empty promises?

雪上加霜的是,鸠山首相先前集中内阁决策权的许诺成了空头支票。Worse, the prime minister’s early promise to concentrate decision-making powers in the cabinet has come to nought.