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而是能力有限,有所不为。It means I can't do it for someone else.

页面SEO公关有所为,有所不为Do’s and Don’ts of On-Page SEO for Public Relations

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我们定要在有所为、有所不为方面给自己设定界限,不然则注定会越来越感到绝望。We need to set boundaries for ourselves, or be doomed to mounting despair.

君子有所为,亦有所不为,不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之!!!Gentlemen have to be doing what we have, rather than not good for small, small and not evil it! ! !

事有所为,有所不为,希望淘宝能慢慢想清楚,自己的“为”和“不为”的界限在哪里?Something to do, does, Taobao hopes to gradually clear, its "for" and "not" where are the boundaries?

其实,只是要多加上心,世事不谓难易,只谓有所为,有所不为。In fact, just concentrate on the thing here and now. there's nothing easy or hard, only to do or not to do.

在这一变迁过程中,政府责任则在从“无所不包”向“有所为、有所不为”迈进。During the transition process, the government's responsibility has been moving towards limited level from unlimited.

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知耻教育可以帮助和引导大学生树立正确的荣辱观,知荣辱,辨是非,明美丑,有所不为,模范践行“八荣八耻”精神。The shame-awareness education is important in that it helps students to fulfill the spirit of "Eight Glories and Eight Shames".

当开始一份新工作时,第一印象至关重要,为了能顺利的适应新环境,你需要知道那些“有所为”和“有所不为”。When starting a new position, first impressions count, and by preparing for the transition, you're more likely to begin on the right foot.

课堂教学评估是一把“双刃剑”,只有做到有所为,有所不为,才能更好地管理教学。Teaching evaluation is a "double-edged sword". If we want to make it manage teaching better, the only thing we can do is to apply it selectively.

随着市场功能的不断完善,政府的作用要作相应的调整,按照“有所为、有所不为”的原则,充分发挥市场调节的作用。The government should follow the principle of "Dos and Don'ts" as to make the market regulator to fully play its due role in the future development.

我们这麽讲,主要是提醒全国人大常委会之释法,应该有所为、有所不为。We have said so mainly to remind the SCNPC that there is what it should avoid doing as well as what it should do in interpreting Basic Law articles.

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另一层次有所不为,是中央政府要顾及此案的裁决,与香港营商环境、国际金融中心地位有关,释法内容必须慎重。The CPC should have regard to the fact that the ruling on the case would affect the business environment in the SAR and Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre.