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顺便打歪了我的鼻子。And broke my nose.

我会顺便来的。I'll stop by later.

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顺便说下,欢迎来到海安。Btw, welcome to Hai'an.

顺便说一下,我上周买了张新书桌。I a new desk last week.

顺便代向鲍勃问好。Love to Bob, by the way.

顺便问一句,这是你的吗?By the way,is this yours?

他经常顺便来喝茶。He often drops in to tea.

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他路过时曾顺便来看望过。He looked in when passing.

我吃午饭的时候顺便去看你。I'll look in at lunchtime.

也许你可以顺便去看看?Perhaps you could drop by?

顺便提一下,这是正餐。By the way, it is a dinner.

顺便说一下,我的名字叫泰得。By the way, my name is Ted.

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随便什么时候顺便来看看我们。Drop in to see us any time.

顺便说一句,德里克-罗斯真棒!Btw D. Rose is the real deal!

顺便一提,你打电话给苏了吗?By the way, did you call Sue?

顺便问下,那是你妈妈吗?By the way, is that your Mom?

顺便说一下,躺在那里也是。So is lying down, by the way.

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顺便问一句,你叫什么名字?What's your name, by the way?

顺便说一句,我喜欢你的胡子。By the way, I like your beard.

顺便问一句,你为什么录用我呢?By the way, why do you hire me?