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恋爱不分贵贱。Love makes all equal.

不论贵贱我都要买它。I will buy it, dear or cheap.

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事业上没有高低贵贱之分。There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers.

男人、女人和魔鬼,三个等级分贵贱。Man, woman and devil are three degrees of comparison.

听讼不可分贵贱,不可惧怕人,因为审判是属乎神的。Do not be afraid of any man, for judgment belongs to God.

耶稣渴望的是我们的爱,是对全世界不分贵贱的苍生的爱。This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts.

人一出生就注定了身份的贵贱吗?Person's one birth predestined one personality of high or low?

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礼的起源即是人类社会“贵贱有等,长幼有差”的行为规范的起源。The origin of rite is the origin of behavioral norm in human society.

工作本身没有贵贱之分,但是对于工作态度却要高低之别。There are no such low or high jobs, but low or high opinions of jobs.

每管牙膏无论贵贱,一定要挤净用完,非挤到纸一样薄不可。Each tube toothpaste whether, must not squeeze net finished, squeezed paper-thin.

成败一念间,贵贱一丝线,呜呼哀哉!There is only a slight boundary between success and failure, richness and poorness.

他什么都不要,只要降祸于一切人,不分贫富贵贱,男女老少。He wanted nothing but ill to all men, to rich and poor, men and women, young and old alike.

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他什么都不要,只要降祸于一切人,不分贫富贵贱,男女老少。Eg. He wanted nothing but ill to all men, to rich and poor, men and women, young and old alike.

节日期间,不分男女老幼、高低贵贱都要斋戒。During the festive season, regardless of men, women and children, high and low or low to be fast.

上帝是不公平的,人有美丑之分,贵贱之别,贫富之差。God is unfair, the person has the beautiful and ugly cent, high or low do not, bad rich and poor.

没有高低贵贱之分,人格上的平等是相交的基础。There is no distinction or distinction, personality on the basis of equality is the intersection.

礼规定了社会中贵贱尊卑的等级差异,乐则在等级社会中发挥调和的作用。Rites SET down social class differences, while music was a mediator in the society of all classes.

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上帝创造人类,明明是人人平等,为何会落得贫富贵贱之分?God created human beings, obviously everyone is equal, why would come to be divided into rich and poor?

人不论高低贵贱,都不会超越“仁”之外而生存。People are equal regardless of high or low, will not go beyond the "benevolence" than for their survival.

美国以没有阶级的社会而著称。人们对社会地位的高低和工作性质的贵贱通常很少歧视和偏见。The USA is reputed to be a classless society. There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.