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这所学校主要招收男孩。This school mainly enrolls for boys.

我们将于秋季招收新兵。We will muster in service in autumn.

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他们招收了五百多新生。They enrolled more than 500 new students.

我校计划招收两个班,每班25名学生。Small-class teaching, 25 students per class.

这所学校将于八月份招收新生。The school will enroll new students in August.

我们招收的新学员已经满额了。We've taken on our full complement of new trainees.

唐在重庆的气功学习班已招收学员80余人。Tang has enrolled 80 trainees for his Qigong course.

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我们是一个招收5-12岁孩子的国际中学。We are an international school for children of 5-12.

这所大学将于九月份招收新生。The university will enroll new students in September.

我们可以再招收两个班,每班20个学生。We may enrol another two classes of 20 students each.

这所校每年招收六十名男女新生。The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year.

他们积极为他们的项目招收新会员。They actively recruit new affiliates to their program.

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王骀本人不会主动招收学生的。Wang Tai doesn't enroll students on his own initiative.

这家公司计划今年招收3300名全职人员。The company plans to hire 3, 300 new full-timers this year.

大力招收各国青少年入组。Vigorously recruit young people into the group of countries.

我们的足球球迷俱乐部上周开始招收新会员。Our football fan club began to recruit new members last week.

可汗实验学校招收的学生年龄在5岁到15岁之间。Students ages 5 to 15 attend the experimental Khan Lab School.

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在2000年,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校只招收了24名中国本科生。In 2000, just 24 Chinese undergraduates enrolled at UW-Madison.

请为招收新学年新生事宜代祷。Please pray for accepting new students for the new school year.

每年招收博士研究生30名,硕士研究生60名。Each year, 30 PhD and 60 master positions are available at SESE.