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我们总是面对这样铺天盖地的忠告。We face this sea of advice all the time.

啊,又到了一年中政治新闻铺天盖地的时节了。Ah, the time of year when political news is everywhere.

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你不知道当发出一个呲牙的表情时,我的泪便铺天盖地。You do not know when to send a bared teeth face, my tears will.

我想知道为什么我的房子里都是铺天盖地的绿色。I wanted to know why green is so overwhelmingly popular in my house.

我们要逆转铺天盖地的股权激励潮。We reverse the pervasive trend towards stock-based incentive compensation.

海员们一边漂游着,一边承受六英尺高的海浪每隔几分钟就从头顶铺天盖地打来。As the men drifted, six-foot waves broke over their heads every few minutes.

我们不应让自己被铺天盖地的机会所困扰。We should never allow ourselves to be burdened by opportunities that abound.

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这就像一个幸运的家伙中了彩票,新闻铺天盖地而来,你没有看到剩下的其他买了彩票的人,什么也没中。It is like that one lucky guy who won the lottery and now is all over the news.

不过,她还是在本周铺天盖地,声称大难将临的新闻报道中看到一线希望。She does, though, see a silver lining in the sky-is-falling coverage this week.

在如今铺天盖地的都是宣传养生的酸奶广告中,这个独辟蹊径的做法值得推广。It is a good example that is worthy to be promoted among those all-the-same ads.

铺天盖地的无意义信息是创造力贫乏的结果。To deliver a powerful message pointlessly is the result of weak creative content.

登录互联网,与“黑屏”有关的消息铺天盖地。Registers the Internet, the related news blots out the sky with "the black screen".

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但凡她的名字或照片出现在网上,都会招来铺天盖地的谩骂。Whenever her name or image appears online, it provokes an outpouring of invectives.

电视、报纸和其他媒体的报道铺天盖地,几乎从不间断。Television, newspaper and other media coverage is widespread and almost unrelenting.

沉重的身躯奋力地朝前冲,卷起红色尘土如滚滚的云层铺天盖地。The mass of heaving bodies surges forward, kicking up a billowing cloud of red dust.

虚假信息铺天盖地,与许多其他阴谋论一样,这个误解是错误的。Conspiracy theories abound and like many other conspiracy theories, this one is false.

铺天盖地的鱼,从天上游下来,围着手风琴。Fishes blots out the sky and the land, dancing around Trapp and the accordion vehicle.

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布鲁克林区的居民简·麦肯纳说,她没有让铺天盖地的媒体报导使自己焦躁不安。Brooklyn resident Jean McKenna said she did not let extensive media coverage unnerve her.

我的小孩上高中时,他们获得的职业相关信息可谓铺天盖地。S. My kids when they were in high school were bombarded with career -related information.

面对铺天盖地的广告攻势,对于许多公司而言,最有效的策略或许是退出竞争,另辟蹊径。The result of the ad deluge is that, for some companies, the best strategy is to opt out.