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本人武功这辈子的错误,但我仍然爱你!I gest mistake in this life, but I still love you!

如果一个武功大师没文化,他就是一个野蛮人。If a martial artist lacks culture, he is a savage.

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周奔驰勉力支撑,咬牙坚持,习练更高难度的武功,当然更加生涩艰难,错误百出。Of course he struggled more and made more mistakes.

当今天下论剑法论武功只有慕白配使用这把剑。He is the only one in the world worthy of carrying it.

李三苦练武功,手刃黑金。Lee three practice martial arts, hand blade black gold.

——于是乎,他索性给把英语扔到一边,弃文学武,到“地球人都知道”武功最高的“孤独九剑”那里拜师学艺去也。He went to learn it from world famous Master Lonely Nine Swords.

我对1000年前某个中国人的古老“武功秘籍”没兴趣。I'm not interested in the 1000 year old "secrets"of One Hung Lo.

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他拥有一根神奇的金箍棒和高强的武功。He had a magic golden cudgel and tremendously supernatural power.

这是一个充满术法,武功,妖物的神奇世界。This is a mysterious world filled with magic, kong Fu and devils.

他的子孙没能继承他的文治武功。And his descendants did not necessarily inherit his martial talents.

瞿让表示程咬金的武功太高强了。Unique let said cheng bite gold fighting skill is the high strength.

第三部分研究了小说武功名称的隐含意义。The third part of the name of the implications of martial arts fiction.

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她还练习武功,演奏乐器,从事滑雪与攀岩运动。She practices martial arts, plays a musical instrument, skis, and climbs rocks.

看到这些精彩的武功表演,很多人可能也会跃跃欲试。Seeing these wonderful performances, many spectators might want to give it a try.

相传武林中,武功最高为天棒山派。According to legend, martial arts, martial arts stick up for the day mountain camp.

文才武功,治国方略,我都是佼佼者。Literary talent fighting skill, governs a nation square slightly, I am a Jiao Jiao.

感谢上天,民族的荣誉并不在残酷的武功。Thank Heaven, nations are great, independently of the lugubrious feats of the sword.

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我没有武功但是我喜欢拥有它,因为它可以帮助许多人获得快乐。I don't have gest but I would like to have it because it would help make people happy.

每次都是一种难度更大的新武功要学,怎么苦练也跟不上孤独九剑的进度Each time Zhou had to learn a more difficult set of martial arts. No matter how hard he tried

就好像学武功的人,一开始挥剑乱砍的确能吓到人,但终归是要失败告终的。Like to learn martial arts, initially makes a hackle can scare people, but was bound to fail.