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在足球赛中后卫接应前锋。In football the linebacker backs up the linemen.

他打电话叫巴利克和苏克雷在后面接应他。He calls Bellick and Sucre to have them meet him out back.

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随后我就跳上前来接应我的飞碟,飞向那自由的广阔的宇宙。After that, I jumped onto a UFO that came over to pick me up.

当所选页在1-6页之间时,单页链接应该总是从”1′页开始When on pages 1-6, the page links should always start at '1'.

赵大和钱二逃出包围,外有郑七接应。Zhao and money surrounded by two escape, outside have zheng takes seven.

巴利克和苏克雷偷渡入了美国与墨西哥的边境,巴利克的母亲在这里接应他们。Bellick and Sucre are rescued by Bellick's mother near the Mexico border.

孙权恐凌统有失,令吕蒙接应回营。Sun Quan, fearing for Ling Tong, ordered Lv Meng to bring him back to camp.

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问哪条路采取是类似于小包要求哪个外出的链接应该批转它给出小包的地址。The packet switch uses the destination address to determine the outgoing link.

卡劳在补时阶段接应舍甫琴科的传中球,顶进了比赛唯一入球。In stoppage time Kalou heads the only goal of the game from Shevchenko's cross.

低压告警,具有外接应急电电源接口。Low-voltage alarm, with interface connected to external emergency power supply.

由于芬芳的接应他们三个人逃脱了,钱鹏飞的手被打伤。The fragrance of the three of them escaped away, Qian Pengfei's hand was injured.

警察认为,他们将盗窃得到的珠宝给了一个接应的摩托车手,随后该车手迅速驾车离开,至少有另外两人在3辆车中为他们的逃跑充当司机。At least two other men were acting as getaway drivers in three cars, police believe.

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此前,迪福还曾接应格伦·约翰逊的传球顶中横梁。A little earlier, Jermain Defoe had nodded against the bar from a Glen Johnson delivery.

是否有其他桥接应用程序能够替代列出的产品?Is there a bridging application available that is capable of replacing the listed product?

此应用程序将从下一部分中描述的桥接应用程序调用。This application will be called from the Bridge-application described in the next section.

他在接应亨利的头球摆渡后破门得分。He sidefooted the ball in from close range after Thierry Henry had headed across a free-kick.

预先讲好了,接应的车子不要管他,想必总是一个人溜回电影院了。He told them in advance not to pick him up so he must have slipped back to the theatre alone.

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接应老罗的人见他迟迟未到很担忧,他们在对面的上坡上发现了敌人的踪迹。The old man takes see him didn't worried, they in to the opposite hill found traces of the enemy.

桥接应用程序允许在实际平台迁移之前迁移应用程序。Bridging applications allow for application migration before the actual platform migration itself.

野夫打电话给卢局长,让卢局长派李士武接应,同时监视金深水。Call the director, wild, director send Li Shiwu meet, at the same time monitoring gold deep water.