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六月初他的智囊团将会公开亮相。In early June he will unveil his new team.

“是大胆的,”他告诉他的外交智囊团。"Be bold," he told his foreign brain trust.

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同时他曾是德莫斯智囊团的联合创始人。He was a co-founder of the think tank Demos.

智囊团是否提出过什么有用的意见呢?What useful idea ever came out of a think-tank?

我们花力气在书中,杂志里讨论这个问题,动用各种课程和智囊团分析这个问题。We devote books, magazines, courses and thinktanks to the problem.

一定要洗砂石彻底煮熟才可添加到您的智囊团。Be sure to wash the gravel thoroughly before adding it to your tank.

在1957年,空军雇佣了这个智囊团来研制间谍卫星。In 1957, the Air Force hired the think tank to create spy satellites.

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顶式,非简单的智囊团和露天水平测量接触。Top mounted, non-contacting for simple tank and open air level measurements.

大家也在努力使整个智囊团进入加速冷战时期。Another effort entails bringing the entire community into the post-ColdWar era.

他们不只是埃达族的智囊团,而且还是他们的审判长。They must act as the judges of the Eldar, and not just their intelligence agency.

保守派智囊团都梦想着能够回到过去天真无邪的日子。Conservative think-tanks have the same dream of return to a prelapsarian innocence.

这段时间我们一直在忙美容智囊团的事情,准备出版我们的第一本书。We’ve been busy here at the Beauty Brains, getting ready to publish our first book.

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不和谐的工作气氛,将会抵消智囊团的效率。The inharmonious working atmosphere can counteract the efficiency of the think tank.

为了回答你的问题,智囊团事先对矿物除臭剂做了一番了解。To answer your question, the Beauty Brains have seen these mineral deodorants before.

这个对伊斯兰存在很深陈见的智囊团让我感到非常的不愉快。I feel greatly offended by this think tank, which is known for its bias against Islam.

于是,我带来了两个人,这听起来有点像布什政府智囊团的翻版。I brought in two, sometimes it sounds like it's an army of Bush administration retreads.

塔金委托达拉保护一个极机密的军事智囊团基地。Tarkin entrusted the protection of a top-secret military think-tank installation to Daala.

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你的智囊团可以包括一名HR人员,一名顾问以及一个来自你想要进入行业内的人员。Your board could include an HR person, a mentor, a person from an industry you want to get into.

所以,圣莫妮卡的一个智囊团——兰特集团已经大胆地研究出一些可能的结果。So the RAND Corporation, a think-tank in Santa Monica, has bravely tried to project some effects.

亲爱的活入们,我很高兴加入PopCap的智囊团,我已经等不及吃光你们所有。Dear Alive Peeples, I am pleazed too join the big brainz at PopCap and can’t wait to meat you all.