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昨夜梦魂中。In my dream last night!

昨夜里下了一阵风雪。It showered last night.

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我昨夜做了一个恶梦。I had a nightmare last night.

昨夜我遇到你的姊姊。I met your sister last night.

就知牠昨夜去合唱。I knew he chorused last night.

昨夜天气酷寒。It was bitter cold last night.

昨夜下了一场滂沱大雨。We had a heavy rain last night.

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湖面上昨夜结了一层冰。Ice crusted the lake last night.

昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗。Last night I dreamt of San Pedro.

昨夜他确实烂醉如泥。He was really poleaxed last night.

灯杆昨夜被风吹倒了。The lamppost blew down last night.

我们昨夜听到狗在哀鸣。We heard the dog whine last night.

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昨夜,为何又是残梦依旧?Why did i dream of you last night?

昨夜我们在森林里住帐篷。Last night, we tented in the forest.

昨夜我们看了一场电影。电影让我们感到很兴奋。We to a movie last night. It us very.

昨夜寒蛩不住鸣。Han Ming could not last night cricket.

禾苗长三尺,雨露昨夜功。Three feet seedlings, rain last night.

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控诉书昨夜已交该犯本人。Indictment delivered to him last night.

那个老年病人昨夜死了。That old patient pipped out last night.

昨夜碗里的水冻冰了。The water in the bowl froze last night.