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以得救的乐歌四面环绕我。You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.

质“模仿山林溪谷的天籁音响制作了乐歌。Zhi imitated the natural sounds of wood and streams to make music.

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你必以得救的乐歌四面环绕我,每当我心惧怕时。You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance. WheneverI am afraid.

一名当红雷盖乐歌手对着一个年轻的歌迷唱了一首小夜曲,这让她感到了前所未有的激动与兴奋。A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her.

那天晚上,在我讲话之前,很受欢迎的说唱乐歌星索尔嘉妹妹对教友发表了演说。The night before I spoke, the popular rap artist Sister Souljah addressed the coalition.

说唱乐歌词的语言在很大程度上影响了美国俚语的发展。Hip-hop has also had a significant impact on American slang by the usage of the Rap lyrics.

“学堂乐歌”的兴起,促使我国的普通音乐教育产生了质的飞跃。The emerge of school songs has made China's non-major musical education a qualitative leap.

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乐歌中充分体现了独尊一神及天人感应的思想,这些又是基于当时“五德终始”学说的政治理想之上的。All the ideas were based on the political ideal of "Five virtues from beginning to the end".

作者也分析了海外学堂乐歌的历史作用和意义。The author has also probed the historical role and meaning of the overseas Chinese school songs.

我很爱当DJ,但是当你在一些夜店放歌的时候,她们常常要求你放一些芭乐歌。I love DJing, but when you're DJing at some clubs, they ask you to play a lot of mainstream music.

酒井法子青年时代曾红极一时,开始时是一个日本流行乐歌手,后来成为女演员。Noriko Sakai has been famous since she was a teenager, first as a J-pop singer, later as an actress.

探析学堂乐歌兴起的原因能促进我国现行普通音乐教育更好地发展。To explore the reason of this popularity can improve today's general music education in our country.

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八十年代,美国青少年从黑人嘻哈乐歌词的俚语中学来了“dis”一词———这一现象并非偶然。It is no accident that American teenagers picked up the slang term "dis" from black hiphop lyrics in the 1980s.

因著期待,有盼望,就使我心中充满乐歌,而不久上帝的亮光也照临我。Expectation shall furnish me with music, and hope shall pitch the tune. Soon I shall rejoice in a candle of God's lighting.

它与人乐歌辞不同,与一般的徒诗在题目、题材、形式和语言上也不同。It differs not only from those poems which conform to the music, but also from the general poems in its theme, style, form and language.

周四,美国白宫变成了一个偌大的音乐厅,跨越几代的灵乐歌手演绎了一场名为“女人之灵”的音乐会。On Thursday, the White House became an extravagant concert hall, as soul singers spanning generations performed a "women of soul" concert.

在遭邻居抱怨一天到晚以震天价响的音量播放美国乡村乐歌后桃莉.芭顿的畅销名曲后,一名英国妇女的音响被没收。British woman has had her stereo confiscated after neighbours complained about her blasting out Dolly Parton hits at top volume around the clock.

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探讨李叔同这一时期的学堂乐歌作品,对研究他一生的音乐创作具有重要意义。Probing into the works of school songs by Li Shutong of this period will have a profound meaning in the research of all his Life's music creation.

在中国音乐史的分期中,常常把学堂乐歌看作是中国近现代音乐史的开端。In the division of the historical periods of Chinese music, school song is generally regarded as the beginning of the history the modem Chinese music.

在中国音乐史的分期中,常常把学堂乐歌看作是中国近现代音乐史的开端。In the division of the historical periods of Chinese music, school song is generally regarded as the beginning of the history the modern Chinese music.