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怎会突然成了英国的头条?Why is it suddenly front-page news in the UK?

报章头条的失业率已高过10个百分点。The headlined unemployment rate is just over 10 percent.

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那是一个抢占头条和震撼毗邻地区最有效的方法。It is a sure way to grab headlines and rattle the neighborhood.

当时占据报纸头条的是卡扎菲官邸惊现赖斯相册的新闻。The headline was Gaddafi’s scrapbook of Condoleeza Rice photos.

我的头条德牧是只两岁大的受救助雌性退役警犬,它名叫杰特。My first GSD was a two year old rescued former police K9 named Jet.

把头条音讯标题当做花纹压到自己烤制的曲奇上,吃掉。Use Headlines as patterns stamped on homemade cookies, and eat them.

随着他身后的肮脏头条个月,谢利美正式前进。With months of sordid headlines behind him, Sheremet is officially moving on.

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芝加哥先驱报的头条提出了这个问题“该怎样对待这些黑奴呢?”“What’s to Be Done With the Blacks?” asked a headline in The Chicago Tribune.

但是,最近有关她的新闻头条却远非溜须拍马。But the latest headlines to mention her name have not been nearly as flattering.

即便如此,巴基斯坦还是没有你从读来的报纸头条想象的那样。Pakistan is indeed still not as bad as you might think from the newspaper headlines.

“欢迎来到经济复苏期”,八月刚刚出版的纽约时报的专栏头条这样欢呼道。"WELCOME to the recovery", crowed the headline on a New York Times oped last August.

萨尔蒂约商业的头条投诉就是稀缺性和信贷成本。Top of the list of Saltillo businesses' complaints is the scarcity and cost of credit.

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以色列媒体头条高调评论美以关系正处于十年里最糟糕的时候。Israeli media headlines scream of US-Israeli relations being at their worst in a decade.

一向远离新闻焦点的麦肯锡成为头条常客。McKinsey, which usually contorts itself to stay out of the news, became a headline regular.

广告剋星本身就处于讲故事的正中心,他们在自己的博客上发出像这样的头条And Adbusters itself is at the centre of the narrative, generating headlines on its blog like

希望换工作的人们给我的头条理由是他们恨自己的老板。The number one reason people give me for wanting to change jobs is that they hate their boss.

这条丑闻被作为新闻头条报道,观察家们分析认为这将严重损害该公司的声誉。The scandal is front-page news, and observers anticipate severe damage to the firm’s reputation.

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乔治迈克尔的绯闻头条莫须有逮捕他的音乐成就,2006年与美色的传闻。George Michael's scandal headlines trumped his music success in 2006 with arrests and sex rumors.

该项研究在4月21日的大脑研究杂志网络刊,公众版头条发表。The study was released online April 21 ahead of publication in the journal Brain Research Bulletin.

该网站将包括来自温哥华的最新头条以及各项赛事完毕之后的奖牌榜更新。It will include the latest headlines from Vancouver, as well as updated medal tables after each event.