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我在政府机关做事。I work for government.

那政府如何获利呢?Now, how do they gain?

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政府已被推翻。The govenment has fallen.

每一个政府都玩“羞耻”。Every government "shames."

即政府机关They are state structures.

政府的所有部门。All branches of government.

少部分的人在政府中谋职。A few took jobs in government.

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政府当局开始对燃油征收一项新税。A new tax was imposed on fuel.

约旦政府现在已经被激怒。And its government is enraged.

他贿赂一个政府官员。He bribe a goverment official.

政府主导型的日本模式。Japanese government-led model.

命令发自政府机关。Orders flowed from the office.

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政府便送来一口棺材。The government sends a coffin.

澳大利亚人相信他们的政府。Aussies trust their government.

政府只能做到这么多了……Government can only do so much.

英国政府也应当如此。So, too, should the government.

政府卷入一场战争。The government gets into a war.

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政府的意识形态是Salafi。The state"s ideology is Salafi.

但政府拒绝作出让步。The government refused to budge.

政府需要出面。The governments need to step up.